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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Source: http://www.cubed3.com/news/5373

    The latest issue of North America's multi-format gaming magazine, Electronic Gaming Monthly, is now available to buy and Cubed³ has the information from the publication's rumour column. Check out the ones that directly, or could indirectly relate to Nintendo, below:




    A “Massively Multiplayer” Burnout is currently being planned by EA;


    Third Party companies are shifting many of their projects from the PlayStation 3 to the Wii;


    Harmonix is working on a new music game;


    LucasArts is developing a Star Wars game for Nintendo's Wii, in which there are fights with a light sabre;


    Star Wars Battlefront is being worked on for Next Generation consoles, yet Pandemic is not involved this time.


    I'm sure the recent proof in Japan that they are more excited about Wii than PS3 has majorly influenced these decisons. And Star Wars Wii = immediate happiness

  2. I've been listening to Three Lions 98 and I'm all hyped up now!

    Can't wait till the England games are on when I don't have my exams like tommorow so I can go and watch it with tons of mates like 4 years ago.

    Oh and Three Lions 98>96

  3. TBH, finding BB a LITTLE boring....maybe its cos of the world cup, I dunno.

    Yeah well I'm like behind because i've recorded last nights with Sky + because I was watching Brazil then Lost, and tonight i'm watching Germany v Poland, and just can't be bothered to watch it right now. Same goes for other things I sometimes watch like Corri and Eastenders

  4. Does it matter if they are related to games? Surely if the song makes you 'feel good', then it's worth posting about?



    I'll add some more.

    Shenmue II - Worker's Pier [day]

    Starfox Adventures - Thorntail Hollow

    Baten Kaitos - Chaotic Dance

    Baten Kaitos - The True Mirror ~guitar version~

    Halo - A walk in the woods

    Phoenix Wright - The Steel Samurai

  5. Chemistry went okay, being my hardest Science I knew I'd never do brilliant, but it could of been a lot worse.


    For anyone also doing Business, like Laguna, what do we need to know for each exam?

    One is called 'Problem Solving' which I have tommorow and the other that I have on Tuesday 'Prospectives'

    My teacher is shocking and when we asked her what to revise for each one she said she didn't know! Argh.

    By the way I'm doing Edexcel.

  6. Haha thats almost like Ren has jumped into the world of Tales of Symphonia. Very nice.

    lmao! That second one is quality.

    Speaking of which, most Shenmue fans believe Ryo is gay for obvious reasons throughout the games (remember when he refused to walk with Joy? ahahahaa) Some have even gone as far as saying he's asexual :laughing:

  7. I remember around when GC came out I always got NGC,CUBE and NOM every month. As time went on I only bought NGC (as they are the best) but stopped buying it because of news generally on the internet.

    I bought the first issue of ONM and thought it was an improvement, but I don't intend on buying it regularly, although I'm tempted to get the latest one for the DVD.


    As of now I don't buy magazines but I think if NGC are reborn as NWii or something i'll most get it often.

  8. Shadow, I'm really pleased to hear you're enjoying it in the same amazing way, you have so much to look forward to!


    I appreciate your thoughts on the sig! Don't congratulate me though it was Ashley who modified it to make it as good as it is. :wink:


    About the language, I was discussing this recently over at Shenmue Dojo and I suppose I do prefer the English in Shenmue as it makes it more immersive for me personally. I feel the same as you Retro Link, I found it so hard to get use to for the first 20 minutes or so but yes its so authentic, and makes you feel like you really have left your home country and are alone in a foreign country. But for III, I'd like English again, although I love Ren's japanese voice :heh:


    About Stocka's dreams of Shenhua in his bed

    Mind reader :shock:

  9. :D!!!

    Best news since E3...well aslong as it is on Wii (or 360) that is.

    But I'm more confident than anything that it is for Wii, after all you've all seen on the 3rd party list of confirmed games for Wii 'Untitled Tales RPG' haven't you?


    I hope it is a new Symphonia with the same characters. Prequel or sequel I don't mind.

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