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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. i think the formation against hungary is the one we should use. gerrard as an attacking option is the best for england

    I agree, I thought the formation worked well, although Carragher didn't look comfortable playing the 'holding' role. Beckham was fantastic I thought. Really looking forward to watching the game tommorow, the football we play now is so much more exciting and promising than it was before the 2002 World Cup.

  2. I'll wait until I've played these games before I start making judgement on them based upon a few screenshots and off-screen videos.

    Yeah, afterall "playing is believing"

    In terms of what I'm most excited about though, Zelda, Mario Galaxy and SSBB...naturally.

  3. 250px_Krystalsfas.jpg

    Masahiro Sakurai has commented once again on the Smash Bros. Brawl Japanese site. While we do not have the official translation, one of the big discussions comes from characters that gamers want to see in Brawl. Apparently, many Japanese gamers are interested in Ganondorf making a return. While he hasn’t been confirmed for the new title, Mr. Sakurai is taking a lot of what gamers say to heart. Another popular character choice is Krystal from Star Fox Adventures. I personally think this would be a great choice, her arsenal of weapons and moves would translate very well to the Smash Bros. universe.

    Put that sexy fox in there!

  4. Well in the English Lit exam I answered the question on the book I've been doing in class..

    I find Chemistry the most difficult, but have been doing Biology revision mainly as its the closes science exam. Physics is what I'm best at science wise.

  5. What are we meant to revise for the two English Language exams? I take it they are on analysing media/writing to argue or persuade etc. Can't really revise for it...

    iIve mainly been revising Biology, what with there being so many irritating words that are easy to forget.

  6. Website update!










    Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAKE!


    The unexpected participant from Metal Gear Solid!

    When this was first announced to the media, it was greeted with shouts of joy that resembled screams.


    After much consideration, we decided to have Snake refrain from using real-world guns—instead, he'll use lots of explosives.


    What kinds of attacks will Snake unleash when he steps onto a new stage?

    You'll have to wait and see.

  7. Crossbeam Studios:

    “Okay guys, here’s the full story. As many of you know, our internal art server went down… not a huge deal, as all the artists have backups of their work. Unfortunately this is a holiday weekend, and many staff went on trips to go back home to families. Essentially these screens had to be completely made in about 24 hours (the time approx. from server crash to screens being released) because all of the art was gone, save for like Simique or Maron, which everyone has copies of on staff. But we promised you guys screens, and come hell or high water, we were going to get screens to you, even if 4 department heads had to be up a full 24 hour period (as we were), to get them to you, crappy as they are.


    Now, the trees, look like crap and don’t fit, because they aren’t ours. They are from a content pack sold on garage games we happened to have, and didn’t have time to get our own trees back, same goes for the grass.


    Now, there was some art direction here in the planning. It’s night time because we were going to have the torches along paths in the temple area, with a particle effect and everything. Didn’t pan out, as the torches we’re sent to me about 2 hours before the screens went up, and even then, they had to be redone slightly because the exporter kept crapping out and giving us corrupted torches.


    I could include a few more examples, but really eveything about this screens, well, sucks, because of very poor timing. Many of the artists are now back home, and have ben sending us the files that were lost in the server crash (we didn’t lose the server or the data, its just still down). Next week we will have this whole place done visually, and believe me, it will look much better.”

  8. Should be 4-8 player really.

    But I hope they don't limit anything and make sure EVERYTHING that is in multiplayer is online, so like no holding off stages like tracks were in MKDS. If it means delaying the game for a few months so be it, this is a game i'm undoubtably going to play a hell of a lot and I want it to be as awesome online as possible.

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