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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. A console with a Zelda as a launch title (especially one looking as promising as TP) instantly makes it the best launch ever :yay:

    Well for me anyway :heh:



    Nov 6th is a Monday?


    Here games stuff comes out on Fridays, i thought it was Fridays in the US also?

    Nope it's monday/tuesday usually over there.

  2. That was so great how Sezar entered the diary room all cocky and then Big Brother totally wiped the smirk off his face by telling him he was disqualified. :laughing:

    He will definately go on friday, the way he constantly talked about how the public would pick him over Lea to stay has most likely encouraged the majority of the public to vote him out. I'm suprised Grace only got 2 votes. Glyn makes me laugh hahaha.."yu kno wha't ai mean?"

  3. http://www.cubed3.com/news/5313

    According to an industry source speaking to Cubed³, the Nintendo Wii is set to launch in the "Thanksgiving period in the USA" (Thanksgiving falls on November 23rd this year), with Japanese and European launches set to be "in the same timeframe". With Nintendo trying for a worldwide launch of their new system, this would probably lead to the system coming out marginally before in Japan and “a few weeks later in Europeâ€.


    Our source tells us that the Wii will be on sale in the USA "well in time for Thanksgiving and well in time for Christmas in Europe". Details on the Japanese launch were not so clear, but our source did suggest that it would fall very close, if not before the American launch of the system.


    So, we're looking at an early November release for the system. This falls quite nicely in line with a recent announcement by Nintendo where they gave dates for their DS, GameCube and GBA titles for later this year. All titles stopped before November. With this information in hand, we pushed our source a bit further to see if they had an idea of a more exact date. Today, we were provided with the following information...


    "So, at the moment Nintendo are aiming to launch the Wii on November 6th"


    Our source emphasised that this date is correct at present, but pointed out: "Nintendo aren't going to have an exact date in mind until they are sure they can meet the deadlines". Take it as a guide then if you will, but "they are very keen to be ready in time".


    Obviously this shouldn't be taken as gospel and we're not about to shout from rooftops that we have the final Wii launch date, but we are confident that the information we have is correct; we wouldn't share it with you if it wasn't. Hopefully Nintendo will clear up all confusion very soon by confirming the launch details of the Wii. We'll have more for you as and when it happens.

    It's not official but Cubed3 are VERY reliable.

  4. Panic! At The Disco - The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage

    Phil Collins - Two Hearts

    Robbie Williams - Rock DJ

    Rocky IV - Hearts on Fire

    Take That - Could it be Magic


    Phoenix Wright - Investigation ~ Cornered

    Tales of Symphonia - Venturer's Colony


    I could go on for ages..

  5. I bought Shenmue 2 and havent switched it off yet as im still waiting for my visual memory unit (and rumble pack) off ebay.;) What a beautiful game!! Also bought Space Channel 5, Shenmue 1 and Jet Set Radio. Im also going to buy Sega Bass Fishing and a dreamcast fishing rod.

    PLEASE don't tell me you've started Shenmue II without playing through Shenmue I :hmm:


    Go back and start from the very beginning and that way you'll truly appreciate the story.

  6. If Grace is up i think the public will vote her out.

    Damm right. Anyone who hasn't seen through her dreadful personality and attitude yet is a fool.


    Oh and this whole Sam thing is confusing, born a man but now lives life like a woman, yet still has a cock? Aghhh...please normal people.


    The new housemates really don't excite me much but at least there's lots of bitching etc. going on to liven it up a bit.

  7. As in games you've bought, been playing through and then have left the game because of either getting stuck, distracted by other games or any other reason. Maybe even not started yet!


    There're loads for me, as I often get stuck and then not motivated to come back for ages, a good example of this is getting really far on Metroid Prime and then dieing just before reaching a new save station. That's the kind of time I'd turn my GC off with anger and not be motivated enough to go back and play it for weeks, even months. Once i've finished my exams I plan to get back to them all, I have lots of gaming catching up to do :awesome:


    Eternal Darkness

    Resident Evil 4

    Metroid Prime (Echoes lined up for me once i've completed it)

    Lost Kingdoms

    Majora's Mask (ZCE)

    Viewtiful Joe 2


    Lets keep this just Gamecube games.

  8. Stocka, did you decide to do photography A level in the end? you seem to have a good eye and composition.

    No changed my mind, after looking into the course it looked to me like it really would take my enthusiasm away for photography like many people said to me who'd done it. I'm now doing Psychology,Law,Physics and IT. I intend to carry on photography as a massive hobby though, and who knows in the future something could happen :awesome:

    And thanks.

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