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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. j20-group-wh2.jpg

    What's your favourite?

    Mine's always been Orange & Cranberry, but I've just tried the Apple & Raspberry and it's very nice actually. Unlike the horrid Apple & Melon :woops:

  2. After just seeing the trailer for Jet Li’s Fearless on TV I'm SO happy as I knew nothing about it and its from the makers of House of the Flying Daggers and Hero, two of my favourites. God I love these films.


    July 6th = Pirates of the Carribean 2 wooo


    For those who have seen it what is United 93 like?

    I really don't want to see it as it'll depress me but it's one of those things you should really watch. I'll watch it once it comes out on Sky, I wouldn't want to watch it at the cinema.

  3. i read a blog (http://niwifi.blogspot.comthat said the new tales was for sure for wii though the blog may just be making an usumption.

    Hmm interesting. I don't normally trust blogs but this seems like a pretty legit news posting blog, unlike all the Revolution blog bullshit we had like "I am revealing the final secret on Saturday at 8pm be there!"

    I've been thinking Wii is the most likely, as 'TBA TALES RPG' was on a third party Wii release list if I remember correctly.

  4. So I was driving home from work this morning with my Zelda cd blasting in the car which game me the idea of asking this.


    What is your favourite Overworld theme on a Zelda game?


    For me its the one from A Link To The Past as its the classic Zelda tune from the original game but better. Plus it was the first Zelda game I ever played so it always brings back good memories. Sure Majoras Mask had a version in of it but it wasnt the same.


    A close second would be Wind Wakers tune. It just seemed so right skimming across the ocean with that music playing and the way it faded in and out when an enemy attacked you was genius. This song helped alot when searching for the Triforce pieces.


    Yeah I absolutely love the Wind Waker Overworld tune, makes me feel all warm inside, as does the Hyrule Field theme.

    I don't know about favourite as it all depends on how you feel, but probably Wind Waker.

  5. Note to everyone here.

    For general news, questions and discussion about the PS3 please use the official thread stickied at the top of the board. If you have news on the hardware post it in there please, and games can be discussed in there too but also can have their own thread if necessary.

  6. How funny, had Physics and French writing today, both of which I've probably revised the least for out of everything yet I found them a lot easier than the rest.

    WOOO pretty much all over except Business paper 2 on Tuesday but it already feels like i've broken up anyway as its only 1 exam :D

    Ah life feels good again

  7. Lets see what everyone has.

    Most of mine are lucky as my dad got them for me. The framed Arsenal shirt is a family thing my dad got given.


    Okay I've got autographs of:



    Richard Wright

    Edu [saying 'Hi James. Edu' on the back of a programme

    And best of all the framed Arsenal shirt with 11 Arsenal player's signatures:


    Tony Adams

    David Seaman

    Dennis Bergkamp

    Patrick Vieira

    Marc Overmars

    Emmanuel Petit

    Lee Dixon

    Martin Keown

    Nicolos Anelka

    Nigel Winterburn



    None unfortunately



    Michael Shoemaker

  8. I just had the 1st business & economics paper. I found it pretty damm hard, there wasn't enough time! And then there was the last question that was 30 marks and I couldn't think of more than a paragraph to write for it.Arghhhh..

    Hopefully my A* and A in the two courseworks should save me :hmm:

    It was just question after question bloody rising prices of oil.

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