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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Anyway, I want it to reflect a store, more or less. Its too bad I have to store all my other games in some drawers. Mostly NES, SNES and N64 games that don't have any boxes anymore. No boxes makes me very sad indeed. I'm so crazy that I'm often tempted to buy a N64 game I already have, just for the box.


    Well, crazy, perhaps just sad.

    I'm like that, also with PAL games. All my games are PAL but I imported a couple of DS games (SM64DS & Advance Wars) and now they look wrong on my shelf and I want to exchange them for PAL copies. Crazy indeed.

  2. Yeah, it's actually just Luke saying things. It's not like he's putting forward a good argument, he's not being funny, he's just saying ridiculous stuff. I like Gamespot a lot more, especially after calming down over the whole 8.8 thing. Jeff gurstman is a much funnier bloke who knows a hell of a lot more about games that Luke Smith.


    Ah, don't get me started...

    Luke Smith knows tons about games! Most of the stuff he says about Wii isn't meant to be taken seriously, like the 'shitty console' comment was funny at the time. 1up staff > Gamespot

  3. Rocky.


    I mean, you could guess it from my sig and avatar, but it really has changed my life so much (I mean rocky I, not any of the sequels, as cool as they were).


    Everytime i feel down, tired, frustrated and I get the feeling that I'm never going to live up to my potential because I'm always 'going to be a B student' (as zell once put it...*sigh*), I know I can just watch Rocky and actually believe in myself.


    If it's taught me one thing, it's that no matter what anybody says, no matter what the odds are, you can achieve the impossible if you believe in yourself.


    'It ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done'. Nuff said really.

    Yeah the film was a massive inspiration for me too. It got me into boxing and believing I could get so far, my determination was fantastic. I got pulled back though because of a couple of things, one being a risky condition. The film in general is still a massive influence on me, helped develop me into the ambitious person I am I guess.

  4. That's just loving how someone looks, like they're perfectly shaped blah blah. Not Love.

    That's not true. I did not look at her at all in a sexual light and it wasn't just her beautiful looks that got to me, but just watching the way she was and general personality from what I could see I felt in love.

  5. The biggest influence on my life were my parents, not because they were role models or super nice to me, but because they treated me like shit. Thanks to them I can make the best of a bad thing, no matter how bad things get I can always find an upside.

    Yeah, I feel like that from my father. He is a role model in the way that he is what I want to be the total opposite of and not like in any way whatsoever.

  6. The first and only person that I think I have ever fell in love with is a girl that was at my hotel on a holiday in the south of Spain. She was half english and half japanese, and from the moment I saw her everything about her just seemed perfect for me. Problem was I never got to talk to her or get contact details or anything, and still regret that majorly today.

    People might say that you can't love someone when you've never even spoke to them but there was this feeling that was just magic which had to be love.

  7. really considering Enchanted Arms as my next purchase as a) its cheap and b) i want a JRPG. any suggestions/warnings?

    If you like jRPGs, and want one, then yeah get it. Just don't expect anything spectacular. It's a solid game but nothing more.

  8. Ironically, Nick's complaints about the 360 are the exact same that I have of the Wii. It seems to be stuck in last gen, the 360 is offering massive worlds, advanced AI, a great online system and things such as the friends list are fantastic. A lot of people will cry 'bias!' But, uh... They're wrong. I'm happy to admit the Wii has Excite Truck, Sonic and Zelda. That's three more excellent games than the 360 had at that point in it's life. But I personally can't really see it competing in the long term, when the 360 and PS3's sheer power is taken advantage of. I'd love to be proved wrong.

    I'm not a Nintendo hater, I have no secret agenda. I want a console I own to be a success as much as anyone else. I just have a nasty habit of seeing things as they are.

    Great post. Me too.

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