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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Does anyone know if the Blue Dragon anime is going to be subbed??


    It has been stated by Masaki Akahane, the games Localization Program Manager, that the North American version will feature a choice between both the English dub and the original Japanese track with English subtitles.


    I might get into watching the Blue Dragon anime. The only anime i've ever gotten into is Dragonball/Z/GT and BD has so many similarities. More importantly, I want the game so bad.

  2. Possibilities: Next Fire Emblem online + on DS!

    Nintendo Considering Online for Fire Emblem


    Next title in strategy series could make the big jump.

    by Anoop Gantayat


    US, April 16, 2007 - Nintendo's Fire Emblem series has made its mark as one of the finest single player Japanese strategy series around, but Nintendo and developer Intelligent Systems may be looking to expand into new territory with the next title. Speaking with Dengeki DS & Wii Style (a young publication formerly known as just Dengeki DS Style), Nintendo producer Hitoshi Yamagami, IS producer Toru Narihiro, and IS "graphics chief" Masahiro Higuchi hinted that we can expect online components in the the next FE game.


    Yamagami disclosed to the magazine that his team was originally considering Wi-Fi compatibility for the recent Wii entry in the series, Goddess of Dawn. Higuchi chimed in, noting that players would probably enjoy having maps and units distributed to them via online downloads. While some development was undertaken towards this end, Narihiro admitted that difficulties with balance and technology kept the feature out of Goddess of Dawn.


    But the wait for online compatibility may not be too long. Yamagami closed off by stating, "This would be the first FE for the Wii, so we decided to focus on single player and held back on Wi-Fi. However, for the next title, if we have the chance, we'd like to use it."


    While Higuchi mentioned downloads in his comments, Yamigami's mention of a focus on single player play suggests that Wi-Fi based battles are under consideration.


    The three developers provided a few additional insights into the development of Goddess of Dawn. On the decision to bring the series to the Wii instead of the phenomenally successful DS, Yamagami stated, "The FE series began on the Famicom, so we'd generally like to release it on consoles. Also, it's a game with many detailed parameters, so we want to put it on a television. However, we do feel that the SRPG genre is suited for the DS."


    Yamagami also fielded a question about the decision to not use the Wiimote's special control features. "At the start of development, we didn't know what controller would be included with the Wii. We began production by considering the classic controller default. Once we learned what would be included with the Wii system, we made it so that everything could be controlled with the Wiimote. However, we felt that controls like pointing and shaking of the remote were not applicable to FE, so we held off on it."


    Based on the comments from these three, we're already starting to imagine what the next Fire Emblem game will look like. Of course, Goddess of Dawn was released to Japan a little over a month ago, so official details on the next entry in the series will probably have to wait.


    Fire Emblem is perfect for DS. I'm suprised that a version on the Wii has been released first really.

  3. Wii is gaining momentum, and its certainly possible that RE5 could be ported to Wii. If there is a profit to be made, Capcom will take that opportunity. Just business sense - they'd have to weigh the potential returns against the cost of porting the game.

    Not going to happen.

  4. I go back on tuesday, and then i'll have the lovely thought that my AS exams are exactly 1 month away. I don't want to go back as usual, but then I also want to because I'm looking forward to the summer and getting my exams out the way. I don't feel at all prepared for my exams though so am shitting it, even though I have done a fair bit of work over Easter maintaining the progression is the hardest part.

  5. After watching some gameplay footage on this weeks 1upshow, I'm now not excited for this at all.


    I won't be buying it, but I will be purchasing the Wii edition of RE4.

    I feel the same. But I must say that Mario Galaxy aside this has some of the best visuals so far for a Wii game.

  6. Sunshine


    Suprisingly I thought this was brilliant. Technically it was top notch, with fantastic special effects, sound, and general visuals. The beginning sucked me right in and I was engrossed the whole time. More people should see this film, definitely one of the most impressive films so far this year.



  7. Yeh, my current diesels cost me £150!!!! Now that I need a new pair, I think I might go somewhere cheaper like River Island or sumthin like that......how did u get them for £45???? Thats a bargain!

    ebay lol. And yes they are new. I think you get cheaper on ebay because of the sizes, like if you think about it, how many people exactly your size will be looking at it at that time?

  8. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    Was expecting great things from this, and yet was skeptical as it really isn't the type of genre i'm into. It was certainly interesting and well made, and was memorable, but it's not really something I can say is a favourite personally. Very good film though, recommended especially for fans of romance films.



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