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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Yeah pretty much, except in America where you could win some arcade games and MS points for getting some achievements.

    I wish something like that was present, would give you so much more incentive. I like achievements anyway, mainly for the satisfaction + getting the most out of games.

  2. No, it has a "visualisor" mode, where you can watch your own music played as Fireworks. But its pointless tbh.

    Dammit. :red: Shouldn't have got my hopes up in the first place, was pretty unrealistic. No way am I paying 800 for that then.

    Couple of questions about XBLA:

    Do the prices ever drop?

    What is on the horizon?

  3. Forgot to tell you... Shenmue 2 on the 360 is terrible at the moment. Has graphical glitches, sound problems, and the 360 dpad makes the fighting a nightmare... Still may be worth it for you though, considering you're a fan.

    Oh, that's unfortunate :sad:

    I'll still probably by it though and perhaps keep it sealed, lol.

  4. Guyz, how much is Boom Boom Rocket and is it worth the price?

    800 points. I'm now downloading the trial and am going to go and give it a go in a minute. It's from the creators of Geometry Wars Evolved so i'm pretty sure i'll like it. I need points though :(

  5. I've got Shenmue 2 on the DC and Xbox. Sorry, not selling. I'm a fan too. >8) If you think the Xbox version is hard to find, try getting the DC version! I bought it last year for collection purposes, and it cost £25 second hand, and considering how expensive it CAN be, that was cheap!

    Yeah Shenmue II on DC cost me £32 second hand and Shenmue I around £20 I think. I would have paid £100 for both and still be satisfied though :heh:


    I completed "Shenmue" last week and I can safely say that it is the greatest game I have experienced thus far. Will be 'aquiring' the second one very soon. Can't wait.

    Damn right! Great to hear you feel the same way :hehe:


    Finally after years... I bought this a few days ago:


    -> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180101774675&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008


    Dreamcast+US Shenmue+PAL Shenmue II+Jap Shenmue I and II; What's Shenmue disc+DC-X+VGA+RGB+Composite cables, VMU's, HotD guns and a few other games and accesories. (about 30 games all summed).


  6. I want to get Shenmue II on Xbox now that it's 360 compatible. Mainly for collection purposes, and I want the DVD, and i'll most likely play through with english voices to check it out.

    Problem is, I can't find it anywhere! All the places I buy games from online like Gameplay and play.com don't have it, and it's impossible to find in shops. Only option appears to be eBay but none are new and sealed, and I want to buy it new.

  7. Creating the Wii was not a mistake. It was a wise choice, for them especially, as well, the blue ocean strategy is pretty much working financially, they're getting tons of profit from it. Had they made a powerful console like Gamecube 2, that would have been a mistake, as they would have most likely totally failed.

  8. I really like Annex on Gears, may give me a chance to get those 100 kills achievements.


    Am i the only one who seems un impressed with Halo3's graphics? They look barley any diffrent to Halo2.

    Well Halo's graphics are mighty impressive as it is, and they don't want to mess with the style.


    Is anyone seriously buying Halo 3 for anything other than the multiplayer? I doubt I'll even touch the single player until either my internet screws up or my Live account runs out.

    Yes, I really like the single player campaign.

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