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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Heh, so I offended you, because I don't agree with you? I'm just saying that guys seldom have perspective to these things. For example, you are bitching that there is ports. Well, if the port is extremely good (like in case of Godfather), what does it fucking matter?

    It's not a matter of you offending me, it's a matter of you putting forward a decent argument without referring to your age and how you are superior or whatever bullocks you're trying to say. If you want to say that 'guys seldom have perspective to these things' then you don't need to mention age...

    So it doesn't 'fucking matter' if the games are ports? Um, it bloody does if you care about playing original games designed for the platform rather than tacked on games. Go ahead, stick with your ps2 ports with waggle then while I wait to buy new games that are actually made for the platform e.g. Super Mario Galaxy.

  2. You're right, all anybody talks about are the graphics. I don't actually think that many people have played enough Wii games, and yet they complain there is nothing to play. I've seen a few gamers on here with 7 or 8, in some cases 9 games. I think we all need to do a lot less talking, and a lot more gaming.

    I would play more if there were Wii games worth playing. At the moment the majority are either ports or mini games


    I have probably been gaming before you were even born, and after the second coming of PC-gaming*, I haven't never really thought that "damn, this game should look better and more like game X". It's practically pointless that doesn't change anything. Each game must be played on its own merits, and longing for greener pastures just distracts your enjoyment of game.


    * 1996-1999

    Stop going on about your age, no-one cares.

  3. I'm not saying something has to be powerful to be impressive, as I personally think art direction is possibly the most important aspect for visuals. The truth is that while Wii will have games that look 'nice', it'll always be like 'if only Zelda looked like White Knight Story...etc.' Many nintendo fanboys/fans deny it but it's the truth.

    Man I feel like i've discussed/debated about wii's graphics etc. more than anything in a long time.

  4. yep Uni of Manchester doing Biology with Japanese. gotta learn 150 ish kanji in the next 3 weeks grrrrr lol

    It's doing a joint too demaning btw? I'm seriously considering doing Philosophy/Japanese but don't know if i'll be able to cope

  5. If you say the word "graphics" in another post, I'll eat your face. With my fist.


    Seriously, we don't care. We're happy people. Aren't we allowed to be happy? Why aren't we allowed to be happy, man? Why? WHY? Did we wrong you in a previous life?

    If you're not happy with this discussion then why bother joining in? You haven't stated any particular point and aren't defending logically in any way. Everything 1up just said in that post seems pretty much accurate.

  6. I just watched tonight's episode for the first time and this show is awesome! (Especially for those like me who take a massive interest in japanese culture)


    Series 3 started on BBC Three on 19th March and is on every monday night at 11pm now (for 6 episodes)


    It's weird, shocking, wonderful, disturbing, joyful, hilarious, and crazy all at the same time.


    Tonight's episode was:

    Ai and Koi - Love and Romance

    With its birth-rate in freefall, Japan's love life is in crisis. Jonathan looks at some of the most bizarre ways in which this crisis is manifesting itself, from the way that Japan's top male hosts have attained rock star status, to the hot new craze of simulated 'air sex' and the latest trend - 'love doll brothels'.

    Absolutely crazy, but thoroughly entertaining nonetheless. Having to watch Yaoi hentai was a bit uncomfortable though I must admit.

  7. The Good the Bad and the Ugly and A Fistfull of Dollars

    Fucking classics. A+.

    Sergio Leone's westerns are the pinnacle of entertainment.


    Finally someone else who adores Sergio Leone's classics. Bloody incredible films, The Good The Bad and the Ugly is still my favourite :yay:

  8. And this is just how your market yourself to youngsters these days. Instead of even trying to sound smart or intelligent, you just try to be "funny".

    Luke IS funny. I don't agree with him most of the time when he is but he still gets me laughing.

  9. The PS3 is the by far the best next gen console in my view. The menu system is so easy to use and navigate, the playstation store is brilliantly implemented, along with the browser and folding @ home.

    As a system perhaps yeah, but at the end of the day it'll all come down to the games which determines what'll be my favourite console, and PS3 aint winning on that front yet.

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