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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. The thing thats weird, is that at £425 it's really expensive, but you're getting a lot, yet I spent probably more than that to get wireless internet, Live, and a HD DVD player...

    Personally I don't think it's THAT expensive as everyone makes out.


    Is that a 26" btw Jon? If so, same as me :kiss:

  2. Daft, don't bother.


    Everyone on these boards seems to like 2 more than 1. but personally I prefered 1. Maybe I just prefered it 'cos it was the first and it was different to anything else. Plus I loved the spaced out voice acting.

    Although I don't like to compare the two as I look at them as one game, I prefer 1.

  3. 300

    Really enjoyed it, fantastic film. VERY impressed with the whole thing technically, the art style is wonderful and everything fits together well. I can't help but feel there was something about it not quite right however, I felt like the end came around too soon.

    I enjoyed it a lot more than other films like Gladiator and Troy. For me personally, it is not an all time favourite film, but then it was never going to be, but I would say that for it's genre it's without a doubt one of the best and is awesomely stylish.


  4. Really enjoyed it, fantastic film. VERY impressed with the whole thing technically, the art style is wonderful and everything fits together well. I can't help but feel there was something about it not quite right however, I felt like the end came around too soon.

    I enjoyed it a lot more than other films like Gladiator and Troy. For me personally, it is not an all time favourite film, but then it was never going to be, but I would say that for it's genre it's without a doubt one of the best and is awesomely stylish.

  5. Oh man, there's too much. All mum...

    "Why aren't you revising?"

    "Haven't you got any work to do"

    "Stop playing on that so much it'll damage your eyes"

    "Those games/computer is no good for your eyes you know"

    "You have no idea" (errr..yes i do)

    "What do you want to do that for?"

    and not so much directed at me but:

    "I'm so tired" - usually said after i've had a really tiring day/week of work/job/exercise or whatever and she hasn't done all that much

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