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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I think it will definately come out, it's just a matter of when
  2. Yeah I read about that VideoGaiden thing. It's good to hear and will hopefully get Sega to clear things up, but its unlikely that it will convince them to make it. I think the outcome of Shenmue Online will determine their decison.
  3. It's worth seeing the title intro if you haven't already, it really is incredible and doesn't contain spoilers. Basically i'm okay watching all the trailers but am avoiding any Gameplay footage.
  4. Woo new Zelda Retrospective at Gametrailers! (Part 4) http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=14673&type=wmv
  5. I have wanted the game for AGES now, and more than any other GC game, but i've struggled to find it for £20 or under. I want it so much but I am trying to avoid paying £30 for it.
  6. SHIT I just stumbled across the new screens when I really didn't want to.
  7. QTEs? That pic reminded me of the Ghost Hall blg in Shenmue II
  8. Play.com prices back up to £37.99 I ordered Red Steel and Twilight Princess for £32.99 and £27.99(used a £5 off offer thing) and that shouldn't change right?
  9. ^ lol The yoshi's island stage is beautiful :shock:
  10. Arsenal might be buying a player called...SHENHUA :shock: http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=426346&CPID=217&clid=3&lid=2&title=Gunners+eye+Chinese+starlet mmmm...
  11. Completed Enchanted Arms earlier. I enjoyed it, but it is indeed pretty mediocre, and is basically nothing spectacular. It is solid in some aspects, yet flawed when it comes to being unique.
  12. Completed Enchanted Arms earlier. Going to get back into Dead Rising sometime soon.
  13. lol did anyone here about the incident where a fan threw a plastic bottle at Lampard? (on saturday I think) I couldn't help but laugh so hard
  14. YES! FINALLY got Xbox Live sorted and fully working this time with no NAT problems. Man i've been waiting ages what with my Dad taking so long to get the new router and stuff and when he did it wasn't compatible etc. I need to add some of you.
  15. Ooh exciting. If it's 3rd November in Japan then we should get it on the 2nd, thursday night.
  16. I TOLD YOU DABOOKERMAN IT IS GOING TO BE STEREOSTOPIC 3D AND YOU WILL SAY WOW ... I thought of a decent idea(that is serious) but is unlikely and hasn't been mentioned. Perhaps Wii will stay as the console, as in for next gen it gets an upgrade and such, rather than whole new hardware. It is small afterall. But like I said, very unlikely.
  17. You should do Philosophy at A Level, i'm finding it fascinating and have never enjoyed a subject half as much (btw I'm doing Philosophy&Ethics not just Philosophy) As for my view, well, I prefer to say nothing for now, for my own reasons.
  18. Just watched the Gametrailers Retrospectives 1,2 and 3. Fantastic, gives me a huge reminder of my love for the games and makes me even more excited for Twilight Princess.
  19. I posted about this in the bargain board but i'm sure it's worth posting here as well. On ShopTo.Net you can preorder the Wii for just £171.99! You apparently get preorders the day before release like Gameplay so should get on the day, and delivery is completely free. As you can see here it's £174.99 but you get £3 off your first order.
  20. Consoles never die! And yeah i've been trying to get a few on the cheap but it's pretty hard. I mainly want Fire Emblem but I can't get it for under £25. I also want: Pikmin Pikmin 2 DK Jungle Beat Killer 7
  21. We've dropped 6 points from three 1-1 home games that we essentially should have to win if we are to have a chance of winning the title. The performance wasn't exactly bad however, it's just we really struggle once we let in that first goal. Yeah Ramar the atmosphere was an improvement today, although it needs to be like that all the time. Out of around 50,000 fans not enough get behind the team when they most need it, when we're NOT winning. I also get sick of it when people shout and moan when Henry does something minor wrong, I mean come on bear in mind how much he's done since he's joined us ffs
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