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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. This is ace! You must check it out: Looks like great fun, and decent physics too
  2. It really doesn't show, the forum has been going downhill and we all know it
  3. It's like saying 'we have mods but we don't use them because we can do this instead!'
  4. I'm sure your mother is very proud
  5. People have a right to comment on this because it is ridiculous, and doing it through PMs isn't going to work as you won't take any notice unless the majority of the forum demands it.
  6. Well what else is it going to mean? Red = Forum Rapist
  7. I have this very same attitude, which is what initially put me off Viva Pinata, but I believe I will actually enjoy it quite a bit and thus have asked for it for christmas. You guys reminding me of what I was previously thinking is starting to make me doubt getting it again now though...
  8. Just watched Donnie Darko. Possibly the most messed up film i've ever seen, it really twists your mind, and yet you don't regret watching it as it's a masterpiece. 8/10
  9. Not only that, but the way people insist on sitting through it again and again. I remember so many times at end of school term/coach journeys and stuff Shrek would always come on and i'd be like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  10. You don't have to see the screens and videos if you don't want to
  11. The graphics style strangely reminds me of Shenmue
  12. Got my tree and all the decorations up now, the whole house has a lovely feeling about it. I'll get a pic up of my tree later perhaps.
  13. Famitsu scans: Looks like the kind of game Wii really needs for those of us who love our hardcore, epic games.
  14. I really don't know what to buy my mum for christmas, she is without a doubt the most awkward to buy for. Whatever I buy she'll most likely just put in a draw and forget about or not bother using. I think last year I bought her a DVD/book and she hasn't even watched/read it. EUGH. I feel like i can't be bothered to get her anything as whatever i do she'll just be ungrateful.
  15. And there was you considering selling it:heh: I never sell any of my consoles and never will. And yeah this holiday season has been excellent for 360, especially as both first party titles have delivered, or even surpassed expectations. Gears of War is superb and i'm excited about getting Viva Pinata at christmas. Next year is looking fantastic too, BLUE DRAGON BABY
  16. Kameo is a great game, definately my second favourite 360 game so far. (although Viva Pinata will probably take over that position)
  17. Wenger never said that. Henry didn't walk out, it was obvious watching the game yesterday that he was happy and bonded with the team etc. Read SkySports not newspapers. Damn rosicky is out for the Porto game.
  18. Wow, today was great for my two fantasy football teams (mainly thanks to Taylor and Bellamy) Anyway back to reality, 3-0/1-1 continues
  19. There's some new adverts: http://uk.wii.com/wii_tv/ The Wii Sports/Wario Ware advert is quite good. I can't stand the woman's voice on the ads though.
  20. Happy Birthday Xbox 360 in Europe!
  21. The Presitgious Strange, unlikeable characters, often dull and not very memorable. 4/10
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