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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Bit worried here, my mum said she'd stay at home all day for me on friday for when the postman comes but now she's decided to go somewhere As I won't be at home like 11am-2pm (when it is most likely to come) i'm worried that they'll leave their note for it to be picked up and all that. With Gameplay orders for parcels do they leave it at your door or do you need to sign those slips?
  2. It's shipping NOW Serebii? Mine's still 'Being Picked' And I ordered it at about 4pm on that day for those interested
  3. lol, you just make me laugh when it comes to times like this Coo
  4. Really REALLY sorry for all those that have been let down by Gameplay. Having being so close to the same thing happening to me I can understand how you must feel. I've been worried but as I have the status as 'being picked' and haven't recieved the bad email I assume i'm ok.
  5. Woo got in and my Gameplay preorder is Being Picked. I was going to panic after reading through the last few pages of this exploding thread but i'm calming now. My Wii Play order at HMV and Zelda order at play.com are still just 'preordered'
  6. As I have tons of stars this is good news, I was hoping for more ways of obtaining Wii Points rather than just having to pay
  7. Shenmue III has a better chance of being released than either of them...
  8. I haven't even recieved that email...lol.
  9. For now, when SSBB comes out I think i'll have a new 'favourite game to play online'. Just because the majority here are getting Wiis doesn't mean playing on live is going to stop full stop, just...temporarily
  10. No, and good going too, including Wii Sports with it is the best thing they could have done.
  11. *checks preorders status* ... ah well. Good to hear that you're getting it dispatched, perhaps you'll get it thursday? Did you have an email from Gameplay before the status was updated? I still haven't got one... Welcome, you use Gameplay and you like Phoenix Wright, so I like you so far
  12. Ryo Hazuki. He is the kinda guy i'd love to be, although I wouldn't be asexual.
  13. They're shooting themselves in the foot by doing this, it will put so many people off buying a PS3. That's only 3 years after the European launch for christ sake.
  14. The start of the trailer was a bit worrying, but it turned out to be pretty good. Not a whisker as epic as the E3 one of course, the way that is done with the music and everything is amazing.
  15. I woke up this morning thinking it was either thursday or friday, lol.
  16. Here you go guys who missed it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrOKqYeOGV0
  17. Well i've just done what most of you should, watched through in order all the trailers since E3 2004. Man it's been 2 1/2 years, crazy. Watching the first trailer still makes me get that same feeling of excitement as I got the first time watching. The GDC 2005 trailer is my favourite of them all. The title intro video makes me more excited for Friday than anything else however.
  18. Red Steel advert http://uk.wii.com/movies/wii_tv_35/ Pretty solid advert, just a shame people will probably be disappointed if they buy a wii for it.
  19. That was about as positive as a UK News Channel mentioning a Nintendo console is going to be. Good stuff.
  20. PAL boxart That is a horrid yellow and I still really dislike the whole design
  21. Spring I think, March/April
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