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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I'm seriously considering ordering it in the next few days now, i just need to take out £500 from my building society which will be replaced within 5 months thanks to work. The main reason I suddenly want it so soon is because my TV I use for gaming/DVDs is broken and won't turn on (it has always been a bit dodgy) and now seems the right time to make the jump :awesome:
  2. Ah I see, cool. When you say new 360's annoys me though, as I really don't want to have to go and get that new Zephyr model or whatever. Does the 360 HD-DVD Player count?
  3. Currently taking my A levels (in first year at moment) and doing Psychology, ICT, Law, and Philosophy & Ethics. I plan to drop Law at the end of the year and focus on the other three. Then I want to go to university, not completely sure where or what yet, but i've been considering things like Philosophy, Tourism, Japanese, and Cultural Studies. Can't set my mind on anything just yet though. One thing is for sure though, I aim to travel, that is probably my main ambition for now, and i'll see where that takes me. I'll probably then end up living in a different country hopefully.
  4. Hm I guess it is the perfect size for what I want. Cheers guys, i'm pretty much leaning towards it now. If anyone else has anything to contribute please do however. EDIT: wow play.com have it at a fantastic price http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/924621/Samsung_26_LE26R74BDX_XEU_Freeview_HD_Ready_Widescreen_LCD_TV/Product.html
  5. Avril Lavigne is a rough skanky whore
  6. You sure it wouldn't be ideal to have a little more than 26" ? Just seems a little small for my liking, as i'm very used to 32". I am likely to get less than 32" but....26 seems a little too small. I really like the look of this one. What is HDMI btw?
  7. When something painful happens to you, or you just realise something shit etc. what is the first word you say without thinking much about? For me it's 'f*cker!' .I don't think before saying it or anything, it just seems to come out. I don't think I ever say anything else at such times.
  8. Okay I think the time has come to start thinking about buying an HDTV. I'm thinking about the future though, as autumn/winter 2008 i'll most likely be off to Uni and want to bring a HDTV that is suitable size wise. I take it LCD is the way to go, as plasmas seem more suited for families who want it for a cinematic experience in their lounge. I'll be using mine mainly for gaming, DVDs (+HD-DVDs/Blu Ray discs in the future) and also normal TV but not as much. What do you guys recommend? What size should I go for? Price wise i'm willing to spend up to £1000 probably, but if any you go over that still mention it because I may wait and get in a sale.
  9. I need to get Shenmue II on Xbox for the same reasons, and I really want that free DVD. It is compatible on 360 now right?
  10. I'll be up for it, but can't do Wednesday. Thursday night?
  11. Good predictions! My oh my Fabregas Alexandre Song = Charlton's saviour btw
  12. Stocka


    It looks like Mars. So magical.
  13. Stocka


    Ooooo it's all purply orange. beautiful
  14. I'm not sure where I am going in August yet but should definately be going somewhere with my mum and sister, hopefully an area in the the south of spain I like. I'm going to marakech in Morroco on a Year 12 trip in July for a week so that'll be cool.
  15. lol you always make a thread about TS Jim Classic game, have great memories of it and probably my favourite PC game i've ever played. I would be excited about C&C 3 but I haven't been and can't get back into PC gaming.
  16. I'm pleased, because otherwise I would have worried about whether to start it or not as I don't have the original.
  17. Wario: Master of Disguise looks awful imo. Virtua Tennis looks incredible graphically but seems ever so uninventive and dull. GTA IV sounds like it's going to face a massive change. They got my interest in Mass Effect back up a bit. Enjoyed the podcast this week but thought the show was pretty bad. Next week should be very good though because of GDC
  18. I've ordered the Sacred Stones for just £10 http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=379322#post379322 (by the way, does the story in SS follow on from the original GBA one?)
  19. Sorry, don't know why. If someone can get links that do work please post them. The stream link works though
  20. Shopto.nets prices continue to impress me. It's out of stock at the moment but they're selling 360 wireless controllers for just £19.99 http://www.shopto.net/page.php?page=dettagli&codart=XB2WI00
  21. These are legendary shows and deserve a thread. (I'm not sure if this is the right board for them, Other Consoles may be more suited because it is not pure Wii but as there are more people here I thought it'd be fine...) Here's a summary of each for those who've never seen/listened to them: Both are usually released on friday nights, with the 1upShow usually first. Here's tonights 1upShow: [1Up Show 5.6 (Virtua Tennis 3, Wario, Last Hope, Konami Shooter Collection, Forza 2)] stream: mms://zdmedia.wmod.llnwd.net/a111/o1/1UP/1upshow_0506_320x180.wmv WMV: http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/1UP/1...06_640x360.zip PSP: http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/1UP/1upshow_0506_psp.zip QT Low - http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/1UP/1...06_320x180.zip QT High - http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/1UP/1...0506_quick.zip 1upyours [02/03/07] http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3?http://zdmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o1/Podcasts/030207.mp3
  22. New Prince of Persia coming to 360 http://www.oxm.co.uk/articles/news/3rd_person/prince_of_persia_shadows_assassins_creed
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