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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. How many people say the word 'the' throughout the game and how many times? .. :unsure:
  2. Me definately. Some people predict it may get AAA at Gamespot/IGN. I've never played a FE before but am willing to try this.
  3. Stocka


    My friend's impressions on it aren't good, they think its crap and lost its fun that the old ones had. Not like their opinions matter anyway, :P I want to try it for myself but when I downloaded the demo I had installation problems. Anyone know when it is comnig out? i'm sure I'll love it so i'm definately buying.
  4. Its just, if I was to get a 360 this christmas, I'm sure i'd like it and all, but once I would get REV it would be so fun that I can't see myself gonig back to playing 360 and enjoying it half as much. It jsut doesn't have anything special gonig for it. Rev has the controller, PS3 has the graphics, 360 has ?
  5. They're amazing, and so likely to happen to.
  6. Thanks, the quality is much better. Awesome.
  7. Boss Fight Plenty here I'm not sure if I want a 360 or not, I'll just have to wait and see.
  8. Video looks promising, I'm so looking forward to it, I always wanted another RPG on Cube. Fire Emblem,Twilgiht Princess and Baten Kaitos II, great way to end a console's life if you ask me. I predict a march/april release too, if its out in December it must be pretty much done.
  9. Yup, and the people here are twats when it comes to gaming.
  10. I always control Lloyd, and usually had Raine in my party at least because of healing. for the others it depended on who/what I was fighting.
  11. One handed? don't they realise theres the analogue thingy too? idiots.
  12. i'm not saying it reflects the world, its just interesting thats all, from a place that is filled with a lot of people dissing Nintendo.
  13. Exactly, everyone there usually hates nintendo, which is why its so weird.
  14. Wow, i've never seen such a positive response, look at this Poll Yes, gamespot forum, system wars, so no biased board or anything. And results when I last checked: Ps3 - 38 Rev - 75 :shock: X360 - 16 also, check this out PS3 + 360 fans opinions on Rev im a cow and that revo controller is the sexiest thing ive ever seen, ill be getting a revo now (cow =playstation fan!) I *heart* the controller. Something new that hasn't been done before... I like it.
  15. Indeed, the monkey is just too cool.
  16. Yar, okay lol. I'm taking it slow, haven't played since last weekend, I'll probably play every weekend.
  17. I'm at the palace, thats the same as the temple? or not? I love teh music.
  18. I am only at Deku Palace, I having had much chance to play this week with school and homework taking up most of my time :doh: But I hope to play this weekend, I prefer playing Zeldas on a sunday for some reason, dunno why.
  19. Remember us talking about it and how had just I started at CE? Well lets continue talking here I'm going to play soem more tommorow, can't wait.
  20. I was skeptical at pictures, but once I saw how it can be used I fell in love. Once people play it everyone will want one.
  21. Not being funny, I think Revolution oculd turn out to be number 1 if all turns out well. Providing the graphics are on par with them, what can PS3/360 do that Rev can't? not much. I'm not denying that both will have great games but people usually buy consoles for their features that make them different from others, and PS3/360 have virtually none.
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