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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. God don't remind me:angry:

    I hate school. My school at least anyway. Its just so boring, I can't wait to go to College next year and do things I actually want to do. I'm in Year 11 now, and next year I'm gonna do A levels at College for:



    Media Stuides

    1 other thing(haven't decided yet)


    This term between now -> Xmas is gonna be shite, always is. Weather is depressing and nothing good happens hardly. Then January I have my mochs, then May/June coursework.YAY, the time I'm suppose to be revising I'll have an Xbox 360, online DS games, Zelda: Twilight Princess and possibly a Revolution if its out in May(unlikely).E3 too, talk about distractions. Joy.


    Can't wait to leave school and go to college.

  2. Stocka what the fuck? You didn't double post, you created two seperate posts about the same thing.

    When I first replied it didn't show up, and still doesn't, so I posted again. Odd that you can see my original post when I can't. Argh these forums are starting to worry me.

  3. I reckon Rev will be playable, tons of trailers, announcements and so on, loads of DS online games announced. I hope to see Golden Sun on Rev, if not then on DS. I doubt they'll say anything about the next Gameboy yet.

  4. Just watched MOTD, lmao it was Van De Sar's birthday!

    Argh I was so happy when Blackburn equalised, but I'm sure Chelsea won't beat our unbeaten run. They have to go to Old Trafford and Highbury before they reach 49 games.

    We played poor against Spurs, at the end of it I was happy to get a point because I was worried we were going to lose yet alone it being a 'comfortable 3 points.'

    No game in the premiership is easy. Especially not local debrys away.

  5. Ooooh jesus, thats pretty bad. That gives the XBOX360 and Revolution quuiiiiite a lead.

    Tell me about it!

    And with a pretty high price I can't see too many people wanting too dish out all their cash for it when they already have 360/Revolution/Both and have plenty of games for them out/coming out.

    Also, if this is true surely it means Europe won't see it till Xmas 2007 :shock:

  6. Oh my.


    The Japanese blog CoolGamer, a historically reliable source for Japanese gaming, has exposed that an upcoming issue of Famitsu magazine will reveal Sony's plans for a 2006 PS3 launch for under 40,000 Yen, approximately $400 US.

    While CoolGamer has yet to make a false claim regarding the console gaming market in Japan, it should be noted that this is still early speculation, and, more than likely, won't reach the US until summer 2007, at the earliest.


    Source: http://www.gamepro.com/sony/ps3/games/news/49431.shtml

  7. In a recent interview conducted by Spanish site MeriStation, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima discussed further thoughts about Nintendo's next-generation console and touched on when we can expect more news concerning his Revolution projects (Note: rough translation provided).


    MeriStation: We saw statements (from [Nintendo President] Satoru Iwata's video conference) about the Nintendo Revolution controller. Has it been tested already? What opinion do you have of it? Do you have some ideas for future games?


    Hideo Kojima: As the creator, my work is to create original and intuitive games, giving importance to the experience of gameplay. Therefore, innovation is very important. I believe the step has given Nintendo, in order to approach video games to a currently non-casual gamer public, has been huge. I have a couple of ideas to the ones that go through my head when I'm able, but of course, I cannot say anything. You will have news very soon.


    Kojima is scheduled to speak at the Video Game Symposium on December 2nd of this year, immediately following Nintendo Game Designer Shigeru Miyamoto’s speech.


    Source: http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/156

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