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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Yeh, in the same way Starfox Adventures was like Zelda. :lmao:


    I predict Kameo will be HUGELY over-rated.


    Isn't it strange that after ripping off Ocarina of Time so hugely with SFA, they proceed to emulate Majora's Mask with the whole character thing.


    I wonder why Grabbed By The Ghoulies had cell-shading? :wink:


    Well I personally enjoyed SFA, but yeah Kameo will be no Zelda. i'm sure it'll have similarities and play awesome but I can't see any game matching the zelda experience. Can't wait for Kameo though :awesome:

  2. I can understand Kameo not being mindblowing to play in a shop for 15 mins or so, however like Zelda its likely to be the kind of game that you need to be in the comfort of your home playing for a long session and really dive into the adventure, to get that epic feeling. I'm sure someone knows what I mean :wink:

    Well I hope Kameo will be like Zelda anyway.

  3. Hell yeah The 3rd Children ToS is incredible, in my top 3 games ever for sure!

    And the graphics are wonderful.

    Argh its too good *listens to ToS music*

    Theres one thing I wish they'd done with Symphonia though... added more of those FMV cutscenes! They were incredible.



    ..In fact.. imagine a next gen Tales game looking like that ingame :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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