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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. The Wind Waker deserves a special mention. The first time I switched my cube on to play this game I was amazed. It has such brilliant detail, facial expressions and special effects, people were actually skeptical over these cel shaded style graphics because it seemed so 'kiddy' but they did an amazing job with it.

    Try to post a screenshot with your game please to make the thread more enjoyable :wink:

  2. Yeah, When day 1 starts go to the Great Bay and Swim to the right, towards the Pirates Fortress. You will need to enter the fortress via a secret underwater entrance. Once inside, make sure you don't get seem by any of the female pirates and make your way through the fortress. When making your way through, you will be challenged by 4 female pirates (like the 4 gerudos in Ocarina of Time holding the carpenters captive) who are keeping 4 Baby Zoras captive; defeat them, return the Baby Zoras to the lab and drop them into the large tank from above.

    You may need 4 bottles to take the Babies back in, I can't remember!

    Also, while you are in the fortress, make sure you take a photo of a female pirate (not the ones you have to battle), because you will need it soon to free a seahorse!


    When you return the Zora Babies, use the photo to free the seahorse and then meet the seahorse to the right of Great Bay, where two rocks are pointing out of the water, like a gateway! Follow the seahorse to a large underwater cave area, where you will have to defeat large sea monsters. The remaining Zora Babies are being guarded by some of these sea monsters, the others are guarding another Seahorse (who gives you a heart piece) and maybe some other stuff aswell. Take these Zora Babies back to the lab, and something magical will happen!!


    Thanks mate I'll try it out icon14.gif I went underwater before but the entrance was blocked. I'll restart to start of Day one and go there next time I play, which will probably be sunday as I usually play Zeldas at weekends only(just feels more enojyable for some reason)

  3. Time for something new I thought, and I think this is a great idea.

    With Revolution coming and no screens/footage yet revealed, I think the time is right to do this. There have been so many times on Gamecube where I have been amazed by graphics, such as Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime and of course the upcoming Twilight Princess.


    The aim of this thread is to post one screenshot from a particular game that 'wowed' you, or even the screenshot.


    Gamespot and IGN should help you find screenshots if you're having trouble.


    To keep it tidy lets say each person can post ONE screenshot each from a game for each post, but they could always do more posts with more screens (just don't double post)


    Another thing is Retro_Link has requested for no screens of future games like Twilight Princess to be shown because of spoiler reasons. I agree with him and this should only be for games out now, so no screens of Zelda: TP or Baten Kaitos II please :smile:


    Okay i'll start.


    Starfox Adventures

    While playing through this I was blown away by the graphics as they were so colourful and magical. They remain some of the best this generation to this day imo.


    Thorntail Hollow...so beautiful and relaxing.

  4. Okay I recently got a Dreamcast brand new off ebay (for Shenmue I+II) and I had trouble connecting it to my main gaming TV(32inch flatscreen widescreen)

    I got it to connect to my small TV however, but it is nowhere near as enjoyable on it and I want it with my other consoles on the biggie :smile:


    The problem... :hmm: ...is well ...when I originially got it it came with a RF unit, http:// but there was nowhere for me to connect this too on my TV.



    So I bought a scart adaptor off ebay, http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/stocksagooner/Gaming/10.jpg but when I connect it to my TV like I would for my Gamecube, it just won't work. WTF? Any help would be really nice, but it sounds more like theres just something wrong with my scart adaptor possibly. Help would be EXTREMELY appreciated though please :smile:

  5. You don't look too happy :p

    Fact is, all the current XBOX360 launch games are either:

    1, ports from PC

    2, reworks from XBOX

    3, rush jobs

    4, EA titles


    Don't expect anything great till Q2 2006 at the earliest. Seriously.

    Yeah I agree, although I expect Kameo to be awesome.

  6. I nearly died earlier today! well not quite...


    i went on numourous forums and topics stated 'XBOX360- DELAYED TO JUNE 2006'


    I thought 'they haven't delayed it for Europe, surely?'


    Well it seems that two people on a Radio 1 show, stated that the Xbox360 is out June 2006, what they didn't say was they might of got confused on when the next batch of consoles will be making there way here or if they were actually talking about the correct console? Revolution= rumour released June for example?


    Lots hope both accounts are wrong, i don't think Microsoft would delay the XBOX360 to June 2006 or AT ALL come to think of it and i don't think it will take 6 months for the next batch of consoles to come!


    So what in gods name was the Radio 1 hosts going on about???? :smile:


    Apparently a certain newspaper stated that after the stock this xmas has sold out there won't be another shipment till June 2006.

    Radio 1 obviously got confused :heh:

  7. your wrong it looks great, i mean just look at it! :indeed:


    CubeChris is right, its not THAT good. ...Well in that picture anyway, although theres one where it does look much better.



    If you think about it, Kameo probably has some of the weakest graphics of the launch games, not that its THAT important of course, as its my most wanted Xbox 360 game and I'm confident its gameplay will be immense...I'm just pointing out an obvious fact.





    The trees and some of the landscape in that aren't exactly a MASSIVE leap from Twilight Princess in my opinion.



  8. Kameo is the only game I know i'm getting. I'd like another but I'm going to wait to see reviews to see if any are worth it, especially PD0. Thats whats good about waiting till Xmas, I'll be able to read tons of reviews and impressions before I have to make my mind up.


    Kameo looks like a twist between two games I LOVE, Majora's Mask and Starfox Adventures. I'm sure it'll be awesome aslong as Rare haven't taken out the mythical and epicness aspects(which I love in Zelda games) because of too many enemies. It could become repetitive if theres that many enemies in the majority of places.



  9. Looks alright, i'm more into fantasy than sci-fi, so if I was ever to get a MMORPG it would have to be Fantasy really.

    I'm interested if theres no monthly pay though, I wanted WoW so much but £108 a year? No thanks.

  10. God i've been told! Sorry Sir!


    Not everyone is a 'calm' as you about it Stocka, remember that! I'm pleased you feel so confident that your going to get one, i wish i was the same....


    Now leave me alone you nasty boy! :wink:


    I'm not confident about getting one at launch. Why? Because I'm not.

    Being bought the premium pack for xmas from mum and Kameo from my sister is so good :grin:

  11. OK, i would like to know when you preordered your Xbox360's and if you've heard anything about if your getting one or not??? Someone over at gamefaqs forum said the allocation figures are going out this week? Although i doubt it!


    So....August 17th from Gameplay! I bet i still don't get one..... :hmm:


    See i would be actually getting really really exicted now, but i keep thinking i haven't got one, so it's dampening my spirits! I would hate to wait all this time and be told i wouldn't be getting one till 2006!!!!! :sad:


    Frickin calm down Owen, you'll be fine, and if you're not the most you'll have to wait is a few days not 2006. Jeez.

    All this stuff about their being limited stock is made up by Microsoft anyway.

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