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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Uneasy to use?!!?! What?!?!

    It's like using a mouse for some things etc etc blah!!!

    Don't worry, once all the doubters have tried it I'm sure they'll feel comfortable, providing it actually is, as I wouldn't know :heh: but I have faith in Nintendo it will be.

  2. A new report on Japanese consumers has been published showing detailed next generation console buying plans. It shows that nearly a quarter of games players plan to buy Xbox 360, with 65% opting for PS3 and 36% looking forward to Nintendo Revolution.


    The Famitsu survey was answered by over 2,000 people, interested in videogaming, during the last week in September.


    Nintendo Revolution


    Are you interested in acquiring the Revolution?


    - Yes I will: 36%

    - Absolutely not: 10.4%

    - Not for the moment: 40.6%

    - I don’t care: 13%


    Reasons to buy Revolution


    - 80%: I like its download plans

    - 42%: I like the Nintendo Wi-Fi feature

    - 41.7%: I like the controller’s features

    - 40.9%: I like its features

    - 37.1%: I like the controller’s design

    - 33.2%: I like its design

    - 20.6%: etc


    Reasons to NOT buy Revolution


    - 53.4%: from the beginning I did not want to buy one

    - 32.4%: no games have been shown yet

    - 24%: I don’t like the controller’s design

    - 22.5%: I don’t care about its features

    - 16.2%: I don’t see what it is going to bring

    - 14.2%: the price is unknown yet

    - 12.7%: I don’t like its design

    - 12.3%: I don’t like the controller’s features

    - 11.8%: the date of the launch is still unknown

    - 9.3%: I don’t care about its download service

    - 5.4%: I don’t care about its Nintendo Wi-Fi service

    - 17.2%: etc


    'Wait and see'


    - 72%: I don’t fully understand its features

    - 60.6%: I would like to know its price first.

    - 49.3%: I would like to know its price first

    - 34.3%: I don’t fully understand its download service

    - 22.7%: I will try the controller to make my mind

    - 21.9%: I don’t fully understand its Nintendo Wi-Fi service

    - 21.8%: I don’t think the console’s final design has been revealed yet

    - 17.3%: I would like the know when the console will be launched


    Opinions on Controller


    - 45.6%: it looks very amazing

    - 29.7%: it looks very uneasy to use

    - 25.1%: I like its design

    - 24.2%: I prefer standard controllers

    - 19.1%: I like its color variations

    - 16.5%: it looks very easy to use

    - 16.4%: I don’t fully understand it yet

    - 12.7%: I hate its design

    - 9.3%: I don’t care about it

    - 3.5%: I don’t like its color variations



    Once games are revealed everyone is going to get so hyped for Rev, I mean, the hype is big now and nothing game wise has been revealed yet hardly.

  3. Fucking Chelsea, I actually thought Bolton might go on to win it when they were 1-0 up at half time oh well.

    Being a gooner I've always hated Man Utd the most but now I hate Chelsea with a passion.I don't actually hate Man Utd that much anymore because I have respect for them to of achieved success through good football over the years, not be a team who can't win the league for 50 years and then a russian billionaire comes over and buys it for them. Just shows Chelsea couldn't win it without the money.


    Despite being a major Arsenal supporter(+ season ticket owner) because I live in Norwich I also support Norwich City, and went to the game today against Milwall. Started off a really boring game but second half was pretty action packed, although Norwich should of taken it. Norwich missed a penalty + Milwall had 10 men and still we couldn't manage to win. To those who don't know it was 1-1.

  4. SSBR...online...oh wait we're getting that :hehe:

    Well for a start I want some RPGs, especially Skies of Arcadia 2 and Golden Sun REV.

    Maybe a first person Zelda?

    Oh oh oh, how could I forget. When the guy uses it as a sword in the controller trailer, not only does it remind me of Zelda, but makes me imagine how immense a Soul Calibur will be with that controller.

  5. Ok I got to ask. What were Namco smoking when they came up with that Candy Land and the Paper Book World? It really freaked me out then I had a laughing fit over it. Also I was loving the old 8-bit dungeon which was also a laugh.

    I have started to get used to Gibari now as I have got a decent deck with him. I was on the thing non-stop yesterday as It really dragged me into it. Anyone else think the story is a bit similar to Skies of Arcadia? Or does it take a different turn at somepoint? The music in certain places is abit like Kingdom Hearts on the ps2 which is no bad thing.


    I love the candy place, its just so pretty, but the Paper book World yeah, WHAT THE FECK?!

    The mystical garden/8 bit dungeon is one of my favourite parts of the game.Genius.


    I wouldn't say the story is that much like SOA to be honest, although I can see what you mean.


    I saw some duds signature, qouteing something from EDGE about the Revolution controller compared to X-Box 360 and PS3 controllers (he finished it with -EDGE, so i guess its taken from EDGE to), so if its out i have to go buy it!!! Is it?

    Was that at GamesRadar by any chance and by a poster called Hyrule? :wink:

  7. Stocka has some, he loves the stuff. He showed me the hair it gave him on webcam, it actually looked pretty awesome, too.

    Indeedy. I love it. Although my hair is now shaved since my 'haircut' on monday. Once it gets quite thick though I usually do the following for a great spikey effect:


    Wash my hair->Use either loreal gel'eau or Shockwaves gloss wet gel to syle a bit->wait 10 mins-> put manga putty between fingers and SPIKE! Oh hells yeah :heh:

  8. Capcom is working on a new franchise. It isn't resident evil series, but it is a third person action adventure(...) Imagine you are using your controller like a lantern. Sounds cool(...).


    Nintendo Revolution is amazing. A small system, with the most powerfull technology. The ATI-developed GPU called Hollywood is better than XBOX 360 GPU. I'm sure. HD on Revolution...sure.


    If thats true then :shock:

    Although it probably won't be...

  9. YES!!!!!

    They are making a Rocky VI! Rocky is my favourite film series ever and I always wanted a 6th. I was hoping it would be his son following in his footsteps or something, but it appears to be Sly will be making a return, at the age of 59!


    Filming starts in Los Angeles in December and Stallone, who will turn 60 next year, is also lined up to direct.


    In Rocky VI, a lonely, poverty-stricken Balboa comes out of retirement and looks to keep his hand in with a few low-profile fights.


    But his return to the ring causes a media frenzy and a promoter comes up with the idea that he should fight the heavyweight champion, Mason 'The Line' Dixon.




    I'M SO HAPPY! :hehe:

    Looks like there is going to be a Rambo IV too!

  10. The game looks really great;


    though one thing i would say i don't like about it; are the huge battle scenes with LOADS of people on screen.

    It looks ALOT like the same character model/animation has just been copied and pasted all over the place and in a very organised and therefore un-natural way (e.g. the last scene with all armies on the path leading upwards and especially the scene with all the people on the stone bridge and you are firing water jets at them).

    All the characters seem to be doing the same thing. Also, i would say there are too many in some of those scenes and it doesn't feel like a natural war.

    It seems to me Rare has thought that HUGE numbers of people on screen at the same time, in HUGE battle scenes would really show off their skills and the skills of next-gen hardware; but it looks a little rubbish IMO!

    Anyone agree??


    Rest of the game; visuals, setting, characters etc... look great though


    I know what you mean mate, its like as in its more to show off the power of 360 rather than improve the gameplay, a bit like some early DS games that showed off what it can do with the touch screen. I think in some ways having loads of enemies on screen at once could be great, but I hope its not like that throughout the majority of the game, as it could turn into a bit hack n slashy and more repetitive than epic.

  11. Just seen someone wrote they would get Pikmin 2 when its cheap. I have been after this for ages now and I have yet to find it cheap. Its like its one of those games that never drops in price.

    I've still yet to play the original Pikmin! I've always wanted to but never got round to it, I will definately get them both sometime I see them cheap and feel the time is right. By the time Revolution is out a lot of Cube games will be much cheaper and I can play them on my REV :smile:



    0_0 so many games to buy n_n

    Not really, theres less games I want on Cube then any of my other consoles I intend to buy games for(DS,360,PC)

  12. Well I have managed to start playing this again. I have just beat the Thunder Fish boss erm thingy. I have left the head of it in the river as I have been told to. Also the music in the cloud area is amazing ( to be fair all of it is ). Does that dude with the paddle for a weapon get any better because at the moment he sucks big style especially his speed. Still loving it though!

    Giacamo is personally my 2nd favourite character in battle. I think he's excellent for my style.

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