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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. But my PC is upstairs and TV downstairs, and my house is pretty big so theres a massive distance between them.
  2. Not really platform games, but you should try Viewtiful Joe 1+2, I like platform games a lot and was unsure if I'd like VJ but I absolutely love it. Fun fun fun fun. Was playing 2 earlier
  3. Yeah I have that video. It sends such a chill down the back of my spine.
  4. Brings back memories looking at it, but once you've seen it its dull. 4/10
  5. Tell me about it! And with a pretty high price I can't see too many people wanting too dish out all their cash for it when they already have 360/Revolution/Both and have plenty of games for them out/coming out. Also, if this is true surely it means Europe won't see it till Xmas 2007 :shock:
  6. Oh my. Source: http://www.gamepro.com/sony/ps3/games/news/49431.shtml
  7. In a recent interview conducted by Spanish site MeriStation, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima discussed further thoughts about Nintendo's next-generation console and touched on when we can expect more news concerning his Revolution projects (Note: rough translation provided). MeriStation: We saw statements (from [Nintendo President] Satoru Iwata's video conference) about the Nintendo Revolution controller. Has it been tested already? What opinion do you have of it? Do you have some ideas for future games? Hideo Kojima: As the creator, my work is to create original and intuitive games, giving importance to the experience of gameplay. Therefore, innovation is very important. I believe the step has given Nintendo, in order to approach video games to a currently non-casual gamer public, has been huge. I have a couple of ideas to the ones that go through my head when I'm able, but of course, I cannot say anything. You will have news very soon. Kojima is scheduled to speak at the Video Game Symposium on December 2nd of this year, immediately following Nintendo Game Designer Shigeru Miyamoto’s speech. Source: http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/156
  8. I believe it does link, and think theres a good chance it is all true.
  9. WTF!!!!! So to get online with my 360 I am gonig to have to spend £60 on that and then another £40 for a years Xbox liv subscription!!! I believe this is the case because I have a wireless connection for my internet...
  10. I'd like a whole new trailer at the start of the new year, to get hype up as it will be very close to release.
  11. Really really nice action figures there, if I collected action figures I'd DEFINATELY buy them but because I don't I won't. I'd prefer to spend my money on more games than action figures personally. However, I do have a ToS one(colette) but i've lost it
  12. Two of the things I loved the most in Symphonia were the Battle System and the Characters, and both look poor in Legendia.
  13. lol, expected but even so still makes you jump Probably because my speakers were put up so loud.
  14. Well that was good fun while it lasted, and like Jordan said, it's a Graphical orgasm. Looked better than some 360 titles I've seen footage of.
  15. I'm so unsure whether to get it or not! I'm just not sure whether its for me or not, argh. I'm not getting it straight away anyway, but I'm not sure if i'll ever get it either. Hmm..
  16. Nah, it will be steroscopic 3D without 3D glassers I reckon.
  17. I reckon the other 'secret' is sterostopic 3D like we are discussing in that other thread.
  18. OMFG NO WAY :shock: E3 + Rev in one month. Heaven. Problem is my GCSE's are that month. I'll believe this more when I hear more about it. Are n-next reliable?
  19. Age: 15 Height: 5'5" Weight: 9st4 Future: Photographer maybe, or get to london 2012 olympics (boxing) Interests: Photography, Gaming, Internet, Travelling, Walking, Boxing, Football(support Arsenal), Squash, Sex Games I play: Zeldas, CSS, RPGs, Nintendo games and some other stuff if I fancy it.
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