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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I found it quite entertaining Oh and louie is a wanker
  2. That's appaling. Like Coo said i'm sure it will look better in motion but I have my doubts as someone I know says he's played 360 on a normal TV and it doesn't look next gen at all.
  3. E3 06 he'll enter the stage as mario, and mario Rev will load up on the big screen and Shigsy will play with the controller in his hand... ...Its not a bad prediction. :wink:
  4. Hmm. not in a while actually! I'm progressing well on Majora's Mask, Half Life 2, Advance Wars Dual Strike Campaign, Golden Sun Lost Age(well I'm VERY stuck) and Viewtiful Joe 2 though. I like to take games slow
  5. Are you his mother or something.
  6. I'm lucky to have both sets of grandparents, and I try never to think of them going. However, guess what! I also have a GREAT Grandma, she's.....102 years old!!!!! She's amazing! She looks younger than a lot of 70-80 year olds.
  7. Don't worry mate its not even on first page so fair enough you didn't know.
  8. Ahahahaha Coo is turning into a casual gamer.
  9. Ah good I was hoping Nintendo would continue to advertise Nintendogs throughout the festive season.
  10. There was a thread on this the other day.
  11. Meet JonSt, the guy who is usually trying to start an argument no matter what thread
  12. Thanks BigTac Two RPGs at launch! That would be awesome its rare you see that Is one of them Golden Sun? Because you said Camelot have a game in development. Resi5 and sonic....you say a month...are they being confirmed for Rev in december?
  13. I have some questions, which you most likely won't be able to answer because I understand you can't give away too much information, but please at least attempt to answer. Is the stuff about possible steroscopic 3D being used on the Rev true? Are there any RPGs in development for Rev? Is Resident Evil 5/Sonic coming to Rev?
  14. I would believe you BigTac, as I know you're pretty legit but that just seems like too many titles for a launch, too good to be true. If it is true however than OMFG
  15. I'll have to see The Mask of Zorro
  16. I can't see Most Wanted being as popular as NFSU2 to be honest, looking forward to tommorow to see the odds! I reckon it could be something ridiculous like................ ....... ....... ...... ....... 50 Cent Bulletproof ...no serious..british public will love it, what with all the chavs we have. Nintendogs are climbing up charts again mind you, with Lab and Friends back up to 4th at Gameplay.co.uk and 11th at Amazon, although I doubt they will be no.1 game, but still do well. Doubt it'll be a 360 game, Mario Kart DS maybe? unlikely but it could be in the top 5. My money's on 50Cent or Most Wanted.
  17. Hey all, I ended up phoning Microsoft Product Support and the guy was really friendly and helpful, and I ended up installing it okay THANK GOD! It seemed that my Windows Installer was outdated so I updated it and the installation didn't work first time(still had some errors) but I kept trying and eventually got it to finish without any errors. Me = relieved.
  18. I just got my new copy and started to install and FOR F*CK SAKE IT STILL HAS THAT ERROR MESSAGE! There must be something wrong with my PC! Please help someone if you can, as I am VERY PISSED OFF.
  19. I'm not saying the games won't sell well on PS3, but I mean 360. EDIT: Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest NOT 360-bound
  20. Band: Impossible to choose, depends on time/place/mood. Song: Likewise, but i'd say TQ - Westside Film: Braveheart Game: Ocarina of Time Drink(alcoholic): Lager Drink(non alcoholic): Water... Artist: Robbie Williams Football Team: Arsenal(season ticket holder) Book: David Eddings - Pawn of Prophecy TV show: Lost, although when it was on it was The Contender Sport(do): Boxing Sport(watch/go to): Football Food: Indian Takeaway
  21. Camelot eh? ...GOLDEN SUN GOLDEN SUN GOLDEN SUN :shock: and 2 Square Enix titles! Hope what you hear is true.
  22. http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000883068264/ Sony cows = Microsoft Lemmings =
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