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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Oh my Arsenal's first goal today was beautiful.
  2. I also love those DBZ figurines. Gorgeous setup I have a 32 inch Widescreen for my gaming(had it for a few years now) and it works wonders. As much as I want an HDTV I can't see myself buying one anytime soon, as not only do I not have the money but it isn't necessary...yet.
  3. He just instantly started talking about development rather than his views of the games.
  4. What annoys me is when he was asked about Nibris and Crossbeam Studios he just avoided the question and went on about hardware development.
  5. Q: Will you marry me? "Well first of all I don't want to divorce from my current wife" lol his laugh
  6. http://www.webchats.tv/streamed/chatroom.php?chatID=260 Been watching it from the start, about 12 mins in now, nothing much been said about Revolution...yet. But who knows.
  7. Oh yeah just to let people know I'm going to Turin for the 2nd leg Can't fookin wait.
  8. Wow! Makes you believe that it is possible for Nintendo to completely change Mario games in the future. It could work...
  9. Stocka


    Shocking how low some people are, (quite a lot of people actually) And yeah I'm sure this kind of thing doesn't happen as frequently in most other countris as it does in England. ...Hope you get better dude.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Patricks_Day I don't celebrate it, and am not one to just go out and get wasted for the sake of it. I'll drink socially but why make myself sick and feel terrible the next day just for the sake of attempting to look cool. Bah each to their own I guess.
  11. If theres 2 versions i'll buy them both.
  12. Even though I never sell my consoles anyway, I kept my GBA SP to play all my GB games, as I have so many. In fact, I still have my original bulky black GameBoy, although its not in the best of conditions. Anyway yeah, you should get Oracle of Ages its class. Once completed I intend to get Oracle of Seasons and Link's Awakening(DX) as I never got round to getting them. I've heard such amazing things about LA...
  13. I think its a nice touch, it makes it more laid back and cinematic, with the epic music as you await moves in anticpation. Bah I hate all the dissing the battle system(s) get.
  14. Its Untold Legends(3): Dark Kingdom and IS for PS3.
  15. Two junior squash tournament trophies and 100% attendance in year 9. Olympic gold medal for boxing awaits me in 2012
  16. Indeed more Zelda. I've been playing Oracle of Ages recently, (got it a few months ago but never got 'into' it) but now i'm really enjoying it. I'd got really stuck as the game is pretty taxing but I gave it a go yesterday and worked out what I need to do and voila I'm loving it. Its a very strange Zelda, it manages to retain the 'zelda magic' but also feels like such a different experience. Theres something mystical and could I say dreamy about it that I really like. The music is my least enjoyed so far from all the Zeldas i've played though...
  17. Like it was ever going to launch earlier anyways.
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