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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Well, that rousing success seems a good place to stop for the night. Solid work, everyone! If anyone wants to play tomorrow, give me a shout.
  2. Aw man, that 8th floor was rough! Wanna give it another go?
  3. Well, how about @Ike opens a room and gives us a shout once he's unlocked ScareScraper then? I'll close the room and keep an eye on this thread. Maybe if you unblocked me, you would have known that.
  4. Yeah, it went very smooth! Fancy waiting until @Ike is ready to go before taking on 10?
  5. Oh well, you need to unlock Gooigi first.
  6. If @Ike by 10 past, I'll just start a game, he should midway if he looks for my room anyway.
  7. OK, I'm heading on to make a room now. @Ike and @Helmsly and whoever else wants to join. We'll do five rooms first and move on if we're successful. Friend code is 3034-9087-7910
  8. 9 sounds good to me. I'll be up for that.
  9. BTW, it's next weekend that event goes live. You don't see Pokémon Company collabarate with other games very often. I believe Mario Maker 1 was the last time that happened, so I'm kinda surprised this is a thing.
  10. So it turns out that Toby Fox of Undertale fame has composed a song for Pokemon Sword/Shield.
  11. Well, in that case, would anyone be up for some totally not ghostbusting and some actual competent button pressing at 8pm tonight? @Helmsly? Someone let @Hero-of-Time know. I imagine he still has me blocked.
  12. If anything, that just goes to show how underappreciated B2/W2, seeing as they're not really third versions. Not in the usual sense, anyway.
  13. Just for context, he played exactly one floor with a random group before posting. It really is that hilarious how incompetent some people are. 3 people spamming "Over Here!" and the fourth decides to go walk abouts.
  14. Geez, random people online, maybe I'm spamming the "Over Here!" shoutout because I might need everyone where I am!
  15. OK, before I can proceed with the result calculations, I'll need some confirmation from the disconnected people on their scores. @martinist and @RedShell both got disconnected during GP3. These scores don't count any Team Bonuses that may apply. @RedShell got 34 points after recalculation. @martinist got 26 points after recalculation. Both of those scores are lower than your current averages, so it's up to you if you want to keep them. Both of you have high enough attendance that you can comfortably discount those if needed. Let me know as soon as you can.
  16. On a normal night, that'd be fair play, but we were on the same team, @Dcubed! Not cool!
  17. @Helmsly you might have a better time getting a full room if you organise a game with us N-E peeps before hand. I'd be up for some games over the weekend if anyone else is up for it.
  18. Alright, that's all for me. I've noticed @S.C.G has really improved over the past 3 weeks. You're really starting to add some variety to your game. Good old practice with different characters will get you further, sure, but it's great you're starting to grasp some combo plays in there.
  19. Yeah, that stage is great!
  20. Doesn't matter now.
  21. OK, @viceview51 is mysteriously absent... Wait for an extra 2 minutes past 8 o'clock, @BowserBasher and if he doesn't show, put me on Luigi Team. EDIT: Never mind, there he is.
  22. Yep, 9:15. Stamina Matches this week.
  23. OK, so @Dcubed can join in tonight. Which means the teams are... Team Luigi @martinist, @RedShell, @viceview51 Team Boo @Dcubed, @Glen-i, @S.C.G, @BowserBasher I can't wait for viceview anymore, so I put him on the team with the fewer members. We will need CPU's Simon, unless someone else shows up at the last minute and makes the numbers even. If that happens, put them in the Luigi team. See you at 8!
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