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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Geez, that's like playing Final Fantasy VI and willingly using Cyan. Why would you do that!?
  2. Remember last year, where we got a Mystery Gift of a competitive Porygon2 that the current world champion used? Well, they're doing it again. This time with a Dracovish some bloke called Marco used. He's kinda decent at Pokémon, I suppose. You still have to apply the EV's yourself. EDIT: Nope, I was wrong. The EV's are already applied. It's literally a free competitive Pokémon, no need to tweak it. (Although I prefer it to have Psychic Fangs instead of Dragon Rush)
  3. Sucks about COVID, I got it around a month ago, and it was brutal. Couldn't even play games because of the massive migraine I developed.
  4. Eh, it was just random consumables, you're not missing much.
  5. IT WORKED! YES! I know what's on my next to play list once Grandia is done! Of course Sonic Spinball inevitably brings the quality down, but I don't care!
  6. Been a while since I had to post this GIF.
  7. Definitely worthy of a bump. Even if it means I have to once again ask why this isn't on the Nintendo board, but... The four turtles having their original voices is great! Unfortunately, Shredder won't for obvious reasons.
  8. Just me, then? Fair. Xenoblade and Live A Live are really gonna stamp this into the ground, huh? We've got a couple of new screenshots, finally. Not gonna lie, that VN screen is legit nice. EDIT: Box art, too. That's never gonna be a physical release over here, is it? Pity, it's nice artwork. Hell, even Bandai Namco's new logo doesn't look too bad.
  9. I suppose it's time for another sacrifice to SEGA in the desperate hope that I'll finally be able to play Shining Force 2.
  10. Tonight's session at 8pm will be the standard Player's Choice, except the third GP will be Balloon Battle.
  11. Holy crap, is that true, @Hero-of-Time!? Save it for last. Out of the ones I've played, (everything except the first 3 and 10), that's my second favourite. 3DS version is generally the better of the two in my eyes, because of two extra party members for more flexibility, and better loading times.
  12. Remember that Digimon SRPG/Visual Novel that got announced years ago, which then vanished without a trace? It still exists! A release date was finally announced recently. Triangle Strategy shows the concept can work, and while I don't expect this to be anywhere near that caliber. I might get this when it goes on sale. And yes, that is a day before Xenoblade comes out. In case, this game needed more obstacles to adequate sales... Bet Nintendo found out and moved that date to punch the franchise in the face. Anyone here interested?
  13. You say that like it's a bad thing. If you've played Xenoblade, you'd know that there's a lot of mechanics at play, which requires a lot of info for the player.
  14. OK, yeah, that's a lot sooner then I expected. At least there's no risk of overlap with Pokémon. Wish it wasn't releasing so close to Live A Live though. Ah well. Not gonna watch that trailer though, I'm already sold.
  15. Agree with you on that, something about it's design just doesn't look quite as appealing with the Kantonian colour scheme as the other two.
  16. You can collect the Moltres now if you did your 3 battles. I wanted to nickname the Zapdos, thinking that the whole "You can nickname Pokémon if the OT didn't do so" thing applied, but I guess that's not applicable here. I wanted to make an obvious Chocobo reference...
  17. Believe me, once it was down to us 2, I had to win not just to avoid a telling off from @Ugh first aid, but for justice. Because I couldn't allow you to win after that disgraceful performance.
  18. OK, that's gonna have to be it then. Hopefully, the connection will be better next week.
  19. EDIT: OK, open again, @Ike
  20. If you go to the settings, you can have the PAL versions on the menu. Also, anyone who actually does endless replays is the worst kind of person. There's no point to it, and it's not even funny.
  21. Stock matches tonight at 8pm.
  22. I mean, you chose Luigi. You had plenty of other options.
  23. Online Mario Golf 64 was a mistake. The atmosphere truly makes everyone far worse then usual! I thought Super Rush Speed Golf was poor etiquette! I'm Maple (P1), @BowserBasher is Luigi (P3), and @Dcubed is Sonny (P2) Keep an eye on the meet point on that above clip.
  24. The physics are always hard to get used to whenever you swap Mario Golfs, the physics change between games. I did almost get an Albatross though. Very annoyed when I slightly missed that! Anyway, I'm ready for tonight. I'll be hosting, thank you very much! @Dcubed will be joining as well. So only 1 space left now.
  25. I imagine that is, as it's done on the title screen. Haven't tested it though, because that's cheating!
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