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Everything posted by Kaeporagaebora

  1. I think the picture is enough.
  2. But nothing can hurt DA BLOB! EDIT: Too late...
  3. Nevermind... Darn hosting.
  4. Not at TGS at all. No presence, no speech. You'll probably see some third party games though. But, as for release date? Nothing.
  5. EDIT: Wait. Ha ha! But the Nazis still lose.
  6. But America beats the Nazis anyway. EDIT: Is it working?
  7. But the cat never suspected the box. Edit: Dang dog.
  8. Half the fun of it will be smacking someone while they're about to return the ball and calling it an accident. But not if you're ahead. Then you'd be a cheater.
  9. But his Japanese toilet does not accept English as valid toilet paper.
  10. English beats the govenator.
  11. Let me start off by saying I have limited experience in swear words. I'm no swear word historian, though I'd like to be, but I still think I know why they are important to society. Would you be more insulted being called a poopy face or a shit head? But I'll stop swearing for a week. I can quit anytime I want...
  12. The thing people seem to ignore is what really happens when a president gets assassinated. You know a guy named John F. Kennedy? For lack of a better word, he was a shit-wad of a president, but because he was killed in office, he's now an "American Hero" And Lincoln was treated like shit worse than Bush, battered by all media outlets while he was president, but is now considered one of the greatest men who ever lived. Believe me, if Bush was assassinated, the U.S. would be one pissed off country. And Bush would be hailed as great hero. IF he dies, that is. Let the flaming begin.
  13. I wonder if it's because they hate Bush just that much, or it's just a coincidence that he's the president at the time. But, according to the curse of Tippacanoe(read about it somewhere-every president voted in on a year ending in 0 has died except Reagan), Bush should die while in office.
  14. Besides that, don't most babies wear diapers? Shouldn't it be a big, squishy looking blob? Ech. Now I feel like puking. That's enough thinking about shit for today.
  15. Yeah! What's wrong with my parents! I want to see my first shit everyday for the rest of my life! It could be a meaningful memento for me!
  16. Box crushes stick. -200 hp
  17. You know, I thought about it, and I think it's gonna be fine anyway. Really, how many third party games are online for DS? I'm too lazy to check but I think it's a rather small number. Not to mention, 3rd parties rushing weak online into games won't help the online service. It's not the quantity, but the quality that counts in games. That's on top of the DS not being online untill a long time after launch. It'll be fine. I hope.:horse:
  18. Dang. That blows. Meh, I'll get over it. It still sucks though.:horse:
  19. What the... I just found this. Why wasn't this reported on? http://australianit.news.com.au/articles/0,7204,20234961%5E15316%5E%5Enbv%5E,00.html I know it's not a confirmation, but still.
  20. What the F***??!?! That's it?!?! I stayed up all f***ing night and that was their f***ing promise!?!?! F***!! I need sleep...
  21. 04:20.46 - That will also be playable on the stand. Now they're talking about third-party support... Listing all the publishers working on the Wii. EA, SEGA, THQ, Activision, Namco, Konami, Square Enix, Capcom and Ubisoft logos flash up.
  22. This conference is getting odd... 04:13.50 - They're playing a round of Wii Sports Tennis. The little girl is holding her own, actually. Mystery TV Man isn't.
  23. Like I said. It's too quiet. Or they lost their connection, like they said they would.
  24. What's happening? It's quiet. Too quiet.
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