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About ChloboShoka

  • Birthday 05/13/1992

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  • Interests
    Manga, Travelling, Writing, Drawing, Reading, Swimming, Shopping and going out.
  • Occupation
    Part-Time Carer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GB, GBC, GBASP, DSlite, DSi, Gamecube, Wii & 3DS
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Ace Attorney, Pokemon, ACNL
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Franziska von Karma
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  1. I'm rereading Ninja by Eric Van Lustbader
  2. I have all three pokemon stadium games, Animal Crossing, Donkey Kong and Super Smash Bros. I'm getting Kirby Crystal Shards for christmas though. Have to get a rumble pak for Donkey Kong, but I love the quality of the cartridges. Don't know if I'll get the zelda games for the n64 as I have both on the Gamecube and 3DS.
  3. The n64 was always one of my holy grails since getting into Super Smash Brothers Melee. I'm super happy with the one I bought now. I bought the special edition orange pikachu n64 a few months ago and I love it.
  4. I was originally only gonna get the Princess Zelda and Princess Peach amiibo. I ended up getting Pikachu, Yoshi and Link for christmas. And the Mario Amiibo figure was the last thing my nan bought me before she passed away. So these six have all got a special place in my heart. I bought Zelda and Peach as soon as they came out and I bought Samus for a friend. If I was to get another amiibo figure then it would be jigglypuff when it comes out. I would have loved an Ice Climbers amiibo figure but it seems very unlikely.
  5. I'm pleased Crunchyroll is now on the WiiU. I think it's really good value for money considering manga volumes cost about £7 and anime volumes can cost anything between £5-£20.
  6. I had a PDR (Performance and Development Review) last week. It was all good. My supervisor noted that I've improved a lot.
  7. So many people on holiday, off sick or can't come into work due to personal reasons that I've ended up doing double or triple the amount of shifts that I normally do. I don't mind this since I enjoy my job now and have made good friends. But what really annoys me about it is when people just don't turn up for their shift without letting anyone know that they're not coming in.
  8. I've done 3 nightshifts last week on top of my own shifts and extra shifts I agreed to cover. I always try to help at work as much as I can but doing a nightshift then coming back at 4pm on the next afternoon was getting way too much. I'm glad my supervisor was back since she took me off one thursday afternoon so I could rest properly. I feel like I've hardly done anything this week other than going to comic con.
  9. I had a great time at MCM comic con but it was so crowded. I had a panic attack when I lost my phone there, then I retraced my steps and the last stall I bought from found it and they kept it for me when they came back.
  10. I'm glad Blanche found her man. Would never have thought she would have ended up getting hitched with Professor Layton. I also love The Concert Hall. It's my favourite part of the game. The first I do with a new mii is give them all the songs. The things you can come up with are amazing.
  11. Wow that's so beautiful.
  12. I don't think I will ever get over it.
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