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Everything posted by Delhijo

  1. What is the reason behind that?
  2. One question. It may sound stupid but, what happened with the Sonic game?
  3. But, is it really the best multiplayer experience since goldeneye for N64??
  4. I really need help on this. I've been all my life looking for something to study at university, but i just can't find anything that gets me excited, and i need a goal, so as to feel that i'm going somewhere. I'm planning to study here in the UK, but i don't really know which universities are good or which places are nice. Someone knows of any site on the internet which can help me to see all universities and the different degrees and things? ...Now that i think about it, maybe something wich mix filming and music composition would be really interesting... some ideas?
  5. the best books i've ever read are from "Caballo de troya" series . There are 7 in total. The story is about two american soldiers who travel in time to JesusChrist Era. is so fucking exciting! And everything is explained in such a real way that sometimes i feel like is real. I've been trying to find those books here, but i can't find them
  6. There are two chilean in wimbledon. They are really good, Massu and Gonzalez. They won gold medal in the Olympics. Massu in singles and doubles, and gonzalez just gold in doubles and bronze in single. But they are really bad in grass, they say grass is for cows XD
  7. I want to go to iceland
  8. I like all these things about speculation and rumours. It's so fun:bouncy: Yeeeaahh! 3D technology of some kind!!
  9. I’ve found this, It’s really amazing, but... I don’t know... Be prepare for long reading, and, (if you belive) a lot of excitement. Is better like this, with the link is more difficult
  10. Is strange when you are awake with your eyes open and you can see your body but you can't move at all, and to move one finger you have to concentrate only on that finger and focus all the energy on it. The first time I experienced that i was really scared but then I got use to it and it is pretty fun now.
  11. i had Earthwormjim 3D for N64, it was a funny game, not very good but i enjoyed playing it
  12. http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_noticia.php?id=cw446ba65110a76&pic=NRV It's in spanish... SNK is only going to make games for Wii beacause It's better for games in 2D and they think PS3 and XBOX360 are not for that.They also say that Sony rejected some of their games because they were 2D. SNK is thinking on putting some old games from NES, SNES, and even NEO-GEO on the Virtual Console. Very good news I think, I need some new and good 2D games
  13. come on, keep talkin!, i can't watch it I need you guys!!!
  14. Can't wait to see Reggie's face tomorrow!
  15. Ok, now is your turn Nintendo! Iwata, Reggie, Miyamoto, ATTACK!!!!!
  16. 3rd secret!!! come on!!! you can do it!!!
  17. how do you hold it??
  18. ... thats sad, man
  19. what is it??!?!
  20. who said something about controller?!?!
  21. no more for me, this is too much, bye
  22. i can't see anything right now and i don't want to happen this tomorrow. Where can i go to see nintendo pre-e3 properly?
  23. when is this going to end?
  24. good night myster0n
  25. who want to hear a joke?... ok mam mam, my friends call me luke skywalker:( hey son, i'm your father:confused: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
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