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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. wey 10char I will message around and get all the contestants in a hat to graw the groups, futhermore there is another thread for this tournament which you can post related things on. I need names poeple!
  2. thats fucking disgusting im loving the porn on the side:heh:
  3. it was on the radio, its because there not making enough sales
  4. Yea, i was flicking through my us account just now, hd (720p) are usually 480mp there are some good movies maybe 1hr30minutes that are only 1.5 GB. Some like the illusionist are still in the cinema over here.
  5. Book: The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie: Waynes World Album: Tenacious D
  6. no. i dont think so. especially when they can get 3-nil up after 23 minutes, like now:smile: and when two goals came a minute apart:heh: Its currently 4-1 40 minutes in
  7. Tottenham? bah, Newcastle will win Uefa Cup
  8. look at that, whenever a decent game comes out the sony fanboys come crawling back:hehe:
  9. so.... what time
  10. ive told you before, those PS3 drugs make you go clinicaly insane, stop taking them! what time does worms come on marketplace?
  11. my dog penny - shes about the size of your fore-arm and shes 4 years old
  12. really? i had to tick a box when registering to say i am 18, anywasy im playing isketch
  13. i was afraid. i did it without the haraassment of being called a lazy shit EDIT your on my hitlist
  14. someone create
  15. i downloaded it - do i need to register? shit - im not 18 Isketch anyone
  16. are you fucking kidding me? my weekly income is £75-£105 and no bills to pay... but still
  17. Is GRAW2 out in america? I see it has been played on xbox.com forums EDIT guys playing on live whilst riding around in a car here
  18. Nice logo, nice fade, nice. 10/10
  19. Where is everybody getting the money, im skint, and get paid monthly. So I trade in loads of games, and end up having no games collection.
  20. whoever has got PSU, if you dont despise it, where are you?
  21. is this party poker? do i have to create an account to play for free
  22. I try an enable sharing, and the program crashes
  23. Ive done about 500 words on the third example since i first posted tonight
  24. i did a Twilight Princess review for my exams, can i hand that in. Do I get a green/red name on the forums?
  25. I loled. They are a load of bollocks, thick pieces of shit that are for the use of a better word anti-social. For example I know of a crowd that are going 'drinking' at a boating lake tonight. A regular meeting place to consume an alcoholic beverage, and trash the place.
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