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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Its finished? Damn
  2. WTF That was really good. I really didnt expect the end
  3. Oh yea... well i like to sleep for 12:indeed:
  4. just put on today in the eu. yes.
  5. It is to my knowledge that this 'new' video is old. yes.
  6. Of corse the new trailer has to be in japanese, rendering quotes useless. DOnt worry, ive still got some in my inventory LIQUID! BROTHER! Its not over, not yet. THIS IS THE LIBERTY WE'VE WON FOR OURSELVES! Outer Heaven.... Of corse it could be old. I suppose spoiler tags are in order. Dont watch the new trailer on the store if you dont want spoilers.
  7. too far... shes dead... not
  8. Thanks. I guess my time travel thing worked? how is axel?
  9. There is a left 4 dead trailer (possibly with the update) if you leave your 360 on the start screen for Orange Box
  10. Thinking about it, normally you would sleep for 50% wouldnt you
  11. If that is true he spent ~ 58% of the year on that game.
  12. I think more needs to be made of that Europeans are actually paying double what americans pay for games. So its not strictly true.
  13. Parcel Force
  14. Gameplay vid on Kotaku. It has the same layout as rock band. Rock band screens look better. But they had Tony Hawk on the demonstration so theres is better. Not.
  15. You cant use Emily like that!
  17. And the desert station that ... red head girl cant remember her name... found a polar bear with a tag at. Then Ben wakes up in the desert.
  18. Ive pre-orderd that limited edition guide from amzone, like daft. Im not sure whether to get the headset from game.co.uk as its £40. I cant get limited edition, so Im going to find it, hopefully early, and get the limited edition off ebay at somepoint. Given that it doesnt come back to play 2 weeks after release or something. Gamepro has written: MGS4 is without a doubt one of the greatest games of all time.
  19. Yes 10char
  20. I think that he knows she was dead. He was looking at her and thinking when Sawyer issued the warning. Plus he has this thing for dead people. He heard the whispers and found the dead bodies in the ground.
  21. This is a joke right? this bearly makes it to be a movie let alone an ending to a series. It was abismal
  22. Well i was listening to a podcast and there are a few criteria points before your game gets put on the list. One i can remember was that there was (i think) a 6%+ conversion rate - between trial and purchase.
  23. My day just got pretty shit, my mum wants to get her bottom lip pierced but i dont think its a very good idea.
  24. Yup, it decision day for Caris. Its Thursday, Friday and Saturday foe me Stefkov and Caris if its a yes
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