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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. Didn't they promise that it would be Cubed? And that it would definitely not go to Revolution? Sure it may coincide with the launch but I cannot see Nintendo leaving their last great GameCube title only to those who upgrade. I hope they finished the script before they started developping it personally. Scripts that get screwed around post development always end up shit.. just like in the Movies. It leads to delays because of arguments, people walk out, the artistic direction of the game/movie loses strides, more people walk out. Resulting in a crappy ass game/film. I have faith.. but it's hard to understand why it would take so long.. unless it really is sitting on the shelf of a Nintendo factory waiting for Revolution to come gathering dust.
  2. Actually flash is. There are GameCube cards which I think will be backwards compatible, they're cheap.. save files don't use much space really. If they use some kind of .xml tech it will be miniscule. SD slots will be expandable for the downloadable demos and software. There is plenty of space.
  3. I got OoT, I'm bumming around some town without a sowrd or shield at the moment. The game hasn't swept me off my feet just yet. It's nice though.
  4. Who gives a shit about some textures or pipelines or depth or all that crap in graphics real people care about 2 things. How does it look (generally) How long does it take to load. We're not in the era of hopups that plagued racers on the PSone, textures are deep and graphical capability is peaking much like processor performance has hit 'the wall' None of us our techies really.. none of us can distinguish such frivolities.. so why are we even talking about it?
  5. It better be good, this will be my first Zelda.
  6. Times are changing.. people aren't buying newspapers to read on the commute these days.. everyone can get their news free when they get to the office. The guardian were only saying last month they've changed to appeal to a new market of people, more like websites. They can't complain when their news website got voted best in the world over the New York Times and other such sites. It's tough times wth Google print search and much more, I can't agree with it all.. but it's for the better of the world. Those who change with technology will survive. eg. Magazines havings websites than compliment a magazine as a 'taster' for people who might want to subscribe which future are actually working on.. it's not out yet
  7. I think it's probably gonna be 802.11b, but i'm going on a wild guess.
  8. You said Nintendo didn't say it wont be less powerful the the 360 or PS3. In fact they did.. Iwata and Miyamoto have discussed how they aren't even competing with graphic capability or technical specifications. They merely promised us that we will say wow and wont be disapointed. What you meant to say is: No way, Nintendo said Revolution will be less powerful than the 360 or PS3. comma makes a lot of difference, I interpretted as you said (there's) No way nintendo said it will be less powerful than the 360 or ps3!
  9. Owning the magazine had definitive benefits.. you got the high quality vinyl decals. Something you can't get online. I'm guessing the magazine was over 100 pages long, we scanned in 9. It's really not a big deal, that magazine is financially backed for 12 months.. otherwise they would not be able to take subscriptions. The magazine will not be affected by a few kids in the know about it getting scanned up online and taken down less than 12 hours later. Many people from other countries benefited from it who can't afford to import the magazine. I can't afford to import famicom. let alone read it.. Personally I think it is a miniscule dent if you consider music piracy. I thought about what I said.. and I think everyone has double standards when they look at a famicom scan but whinge about it being a UK scan.
  10. Oh harp down you pansies, We rely on Famicom scans hours after it goes on sale in Japan for the latest DS screenshots.. and we'll do the same if they get any Revolution screens before E3 (heaven forbid) It's no different. You really gonna import an issue of Famicom just to support Nintendo? I doubt Nintendo even gets a fee for this magazine.. effectively it's an advert for them.. they provide some screens and release dates to Future as exclusive, kids read the magazine and go out and buy it. Future keeps the money. Support my arse (tbh)
  11. The revolution wont be better Triforce nooblar.. it costs less. We've gone over this already.
  12. Actually projects are quite bad for playing games I think.. my friend was telling me where the radar was on halo it effectively left some kind of burn/wear mark from where it is constantly rotating. He had a professional set up for his home cinema and merely hooked up his xbox. Projectors aren't 'new' technology.. they just hook up to a standard TV port. 3D projectors are unlikely.. TVs are what they want to use.
  13. Doesn't the 360, PS3 and revolution use all different wireless protocols? Sony is running bluetooth I know, that's why they've managed 7 controllers. Microsoft will probably do what they know best.. use 802.11 Nintendo were using their own flavour right? I think there will be voip in Revolution, or at least voice to text chat.. will be based on friends codes and you'll be able to share game data and stuff. I don't think they'll warrant the mouse and keyboard knowing it will probably fail. Keyboards and mice have been wireless for ages, no need to use USB. you'd get square eyes.
  14. Well I told them I was representing a highly respectable video games news source. *cough* Of course they will reply.. I worded it as if this magazine had caused mass unnecesary confusion amongst the gaming community.
  15. knightendo if you know anything about x-y trajectory co-ordinations which I obviously don't.. because I probably spelt that wrong. The console's revolution controller will slip into the top like the dreamcast toy does along the barrel so the laser pointing technology can be taken advantage of. It will fit in the same way as a visual memory unit did on the dreamcast... if that's what is intended. As far as i'm aware once you've had a patent for 10 years it's not longer yours right? I remember studying drugs in chemistry.. one guy helf the patent for aspirin and another with dynamite. 10 years later they wore off.. perhaps this is merely for chemical structures though.
  16. Headlines: -Company phases out old product in favour of new one. shock horror. -Nintendo Revolution to be released in 2006 -Zelda delayed nothing new there, it's obvious they will be released together, it will be launch.. but they need to play it carefully.. retailers want to know when the game is coming out because they'll lose pre-order traffic. Guesstimating when a game will come out as best buy did last week gets you no-where. But obviously it will launch together and they can't give the game away.
  17. It is simple. It is free. It is safe. Yes Mario Kart DS was rushed.. to get it out for Christmas. Yes the friend code system needs to be unified for the server not the individual game. Yes there needs to be a more lobby style interaction profiles better friend lists and tournaments. But you forget the numbers.. xbox live was a failure in comparison to the launch of Nintendo wifi.. and considering it was rushed I think they did a great job. Think about it.. if they don't rush it the possibilities are barely limited. What was it? 2 million individual user connections? in the first 3 months? Pretty good if you ask me.. You want xbox live, but you also want it to be free.. that's not possible I'm afraid.
  18. Amen hellfire. WoW is popular, UO is popular.. they're so established on the PC. It is the platform of choice and it suits the system.. you can chat with a keyboard and mouse so easy.. it doesn't have a home on the Revolution. There would be issues of balancing an in game communication experience.. and making it safe for children. There would be costs for servers/bandwidth. MMORPGs that rely on a hard drive don't belong on Revolution, personally I don't think any do. Remember the problems people had having to pay xbox live, then playonline (SquareEnix).. then your ISP for connection. It's not an accesible market for the 80% of people who don't play games.. and I don't think MMORPGs are the 'blue ocean' nintendo talk about. Jamba no need to be a fanboy, don't take my criticism of an entire genre personally because you like it. Games are meant to be an experience.. you shouldn't have to provide that. I have played many in my time, Runescape, Mir, Soma.. UO. They are novelties and don't give you half of what you put in.
  19. DCK, I said how system cost will result in end user performance experience. Wasn't talking about specifications. Plus I don't think I said the PS3 or 360 was beaten by Revolution. I stand by my comment PS3 >> 360 > Revolution. PS3 costs the most, by far.. but it will also be the best looking, far better than the 360. Therefore the PS3 gets an extra >> The Revolution for the price will stand a good competitor, for price.. so it only gets one > Maths innit not specs.
  20. It is a miracle he's remaining open minded. Few months back I thought we had lost him. This is good news, and nothing more.
  21. Or perhaps Nintendo don't care much for a relatively unpopular genre of games that would use this type of hardware. Think Cooking mama not World of Warcraft. They are pushing the bar up, not leeching of old formulas. You all have PCs, you all can play MMORPGs elsewhere, remember Revolution is for exclusives not franchises.
  22. Final Fantasy 11 for xbox 360 will be as big of a flop as it was on the PS2. Dunno if they have any others coming? WoW will flop I reckon, after so many love it on the PC.
  23. MMORPGs, are somewhat over-rated.. they often have no aim, just going around in circles.. I'd rather spend my time doing something more constructive. But obviously that's not everyone else's opinion, people like being hunched over desks clicking on animals in an escapist world. (no offense) I couldn't care less about MMORPGs in the front room, it's not the kind of balanced lifestyle that is good for you or the other people who might want to use the television. "I want to watch eastenders.." - "after i've levelled up!" For me all Nintendo wifi offers a better (real AI) experience, and a hard drive cannot offer that. It would be nice to be able to communicate with those I play in a better experience, but to be harassed by neo nazi racists verbally it's a trade I'm willing to make. [insert link to article entitled 'Are online gaming buddies really friends?] Of course a hard drive can store much content and can be exploited in other ways.. that xbox title.. blinx the time detective looked really great fun and used it well. I think a hard drive is nice, but something that could easily become an unexploited piece of hardware. Leave the HDD and MMORPGs for PCs I say.
  24. I'm basing my argument on electrical engineering principles and the patent that was filed of the Revolution console. I've e.mailed Nintendo's PR department over it to clear it up once and for all. Will post up their response asap.
  25. Yeah, but there was a new patent filed 4 weeks ago. Under patent law when a patent is filed an 'abstract' should be provided which is the front page.. the abstract tells us a brief description and links it to the dreamcast controller saying effectively "it's gonna be like this" Aparently the revolution patented controller wont be revealed for 18 months? Patent abstracts What I don't understand is why we see Revolution patents emerging last week.. fully detailed but something as meager as a controller is just an abstract. Very curious, perhaps Revolution patent was filed over 18 months ago.. i'm no expert in this.
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