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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. I haven't had the chance to play much of this game lately. I definitely will come back to it. As for the gifts much appreciated, I genuinely didn't know how to send them. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus using Tapatalk
  2. I forgot to mention last week that I won't be able to make it on Thursdays 8 pm for the next 3 months.
  3. Cool, I might see you online tonight then @Sméagol. @Vileplume2000 Yeah I'll be on tomorrow evening, then the three of us can create a NE guild. I'm not sure how but we can figure it out. At anyone else feel free to join in.
  4. Double Dragon 2 is what started it all for me, true classic indeed. Kinda sucks that the one on NES Online doesn't have co op.
  5. The online on this is pretty good, someone joined my session of Final Fight and stayed until the end.The game is fun and plays great, I just wish I played this back in the day. I was playing as Cody while the other guy was Haggar and destroyed everything with piledriver what a BEAST . Even as 2 players there were times we got over run by thugs, chaotic fun! Captain Commando next on my list. This has got me hyped for Streets of Rage 4!
  6. Thorough analysis 37 second trailer = 27 minutes video, some of those ideas would be hype if true.
  7. I've always loved beat 'em ups, as kids we spent countless hours on Streets of Rage but I really don't know how we missed these. Man I didn't even know that a bunch of Street Fighter characters came from Final Fight. I know Captain Commando and Haggar from playing Marvel vs Capcom 2 and 3 that's about it. Yeah I'm gonna have to pick this up and start with Final Fight.
  8. Between this and the NES games, Nostalgia overload. Best thing about it is they're all on the same platform.
  9. Thanks for pointing that out I forgot the PS3 online was free and included all of that. Then you have Nintendo that can't even get the basics right in 2018. The most frustrating thing is the Nintendo fan base being split, on one camp you have people asking for basic online features which are the standards of today and the other camp justifying Nintendo's actions. Mario Bros 3 and Double Dragon looking forward to most, nostalgia is strong on those. Despite owning Mario Bros 3 on multiple systems I've never finished the game ever. Shameful I know.
  10. Even if it was it would still be a much better online experience. What do you mean we can't compare them, they're both online services are they not? You keep going back to the price and that is not the problem here it's the missing features. This thread is just going around in circles now..
  11. I was doing so well until that point!
  12. I doubt things will change that phone app is here to stay, this IS Nintendo we're talking about after all. How is asking for a proper online infrastructure unrealistic?? Sony and Microsoft have been doing it for years and Nintendo decides to leave it out of the Switch, then creates a phone app that has some of the feature we're asking for. So why couldn't Nintendo implement all those features into the Switch or the Nintendo Switch Online they're now selling. It really baffles me how anyone can defend Nintendo on this.. Either way I'm still getting the online so I can continue playing but not happy about the sub-par features. As for the NES games it's a nice touch but the package as a whole stinks.
  13. I meant if this game included the Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus episodes or it's just the base ff15 game.
  14. Does this include the episodes dlc? tempted to pick it up if it does.
  15. I've not played most of the NES games so I'm happy with that and looking forward to the SNES games whenever they drop. Apart from the free games it's still the same online experience, no messaging, no party invites and still stuck with that dumb phone app. Come on Nintendo you've had years to get this right. It's a old video but you can apply it to this Nintendo Online situation. Nintendo still moving at it's own pace.
  16. Everyone's first thoughts were like, here we go the 3DS game hold on a minute this looks too good for 3DS!!? SWITCH GAME!!!
  17. I guess it's just the art style not working well, I'm not a fan of this look but I can over look it since the gameplay looks really fun!!!
  18. The "Mind Crush" motion he does from the Anime.
  19. YES!
  20. Luigi's Mansion 3 was a really nice surprise! and good to finally have Animal Crossing confirmed. I really didn't know how popular Isabelle was, sure she's in Mario Kart but would never have guessed her being added to Smash as a fighter. How can you fight something that cute!? Splatoon 2 update. Town from Game Freak looked cool I'm interested and hope that Pokémon 2019 game looks as good. The Nintendo Online segment was basically things we already knew about, I was hoping for a few surprises but nope we're still stuck with that dumb phone app. As for the NES games I've not played most of them so I'm good with that but when are the SNES games coming?
  21. Ready to go, I think I found a new main. @Sméagol I need a break my late night takeaway has arrived. That was a nice win though!! and that clutch save on our base.
  22. IN Going with Uncle Phil.
  23. GGs, same my mains not unlocked yet but still fun to use others. Yeah I found Zanis to be good and that annoying Pixie.
  24. @Sméagol Yeah for sure. I've just finished the tutorial, what time you thinking? It might still be a bit buggy, I accepted the invite then sent you one and ended up in different games.
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