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Everything posted by GigaPlay

  1. And you also have far too much money. I thought 20 games for 'cube was relatively big, but dude, seriously. That's crazy. I'm not suprised so many like the launch line-up, though doesn't look too appealing to those casual gamers I think.
  2. Both release lists are pretty mediocre I think, but Wii has a better line-up from my point of view. Sonic the Hedgehog is the only title I'm really interested in, and it's going to be on the 360 as well. I'll get it in 10 years, when the price drops :P. Also, Fifa? There just had to be a Fifa game. Oh how I do hate those games. Where'd you get that list anyway?
  3. Finland deserved to win, though I voted for Lithuania because the song made me laugh. I don't think the whole UK entry was a very good idea. It seemed to be something that only the brits would 'get'. Wasn't expecting it though. So we got 10th, automatic finalists and stuff. Hopefully next year they'll choose a, you know, good song rather then the same crap every year. We faired well enough though. Got a few average votes here and there. Stopped getting them towards the end I noticed. It sucks we don't have many neighbour countries. *coughEasternEuropecough*. I didn't like the fact that the first 7 votes were just displayed and only three were given out. Really ruined the suspense of it all. It was fun despite the fact that it dragged it on a bit.
  4. Why is it that the price of the Xbox 360 has risen €15 and that there only seems to be Premium packs. That just makes it harder for me to get one, how am I suppose to make that kind of cash?! :P I also saw Halo 2 on a clearence sale for €10, I was nearly going to buy it even though I don't have an Xbox or 360.
  5. This reminds me of how they put Pac-man in the arcade Mario Kart, who knows, amybe this'll be similar. I still can't imagine Snake double jumping or even jumping high enough to get to the ledges. What attacks could they give him, like B+Up where he has to do a jump too. Also, I hope Wario's moves aren't all toilet humour orientated.
  6. If I had the money I so would've got myself a Premium, well at least have tried to get one :P. I really want a 360 for Xbox Live.
  7. That launch line up looks alright, though I'm not really interested in most of those titles at all. Metroid Prime 3 is the only one that I'm really interested in. How many of those games have online play anyway? =/
  8. Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 will probably do me until Christmas, when I'll probably get Super Monkey Ball and Red Steel. If I had an official list, I'd probably list a few more. Red Steel has online multiplayer, right? There needs to be at least one online game at launch =/.
  9. There was something about Online play in the 360 and PS3 game video there. If they're going to put online in that, maybe they should put it in this.
  10. That's what I was going to say earlier, but keep losing the server. That's assuming you meant that as in they could add multiplayer through downloadable content, because that'd make me happy. Especially online multiplayer.
  11. Hmm, what'd be really nice is if they brought back the character entrances. I can imagine Snake coming out of a cardboard box for this one (though, that'd mean he's already there).
  12. Can't help but laugh that Pikachu is still smiling when Wario's about to do the nuclear fart XD.
  13. No online play? Aww, that sucks! I'd rather that they not make this title a launch title to add online play now, nobody will ever play Multiplayer with me anyway. ¬¬
  14. IGN's description kind of makes it out to be like a 3D Sonic Rush (well that's what I get from it). Of course, that's not a bad thing, now is it. Graphics look pretty basic though.
  15. Robotnik's design just looks irritating, other then that, the game looks pretty nice. Though, I think they should get rid of those humans and such, it's been so un-fitting ever since I saw them >.< . Which is strange because I played the 3D Game first. =/ Well at least it'll be better than Shadow the Hedgehog...right?
  16. The one game I wanted to see, and they didn't even show it?! Disappointing really. This E3 wasn't as great as it was made ut to be. I at least expected Smash Bros ><.
  17. I thought it was still on, and that only the first part was free to stream. Was confused because GS had a cont. stream that's live now apparently. Or something -_-.
  18. I think Spire should be in this game, he's perfect for it I think. Cahnces are he's not in it. Please God, yes!
  19. If it's $249 in the US, it's going to be €249 over here, trust me >_>, it'll be the same as the DS ($150 = €150).
  20. Probably will. I got the DS the day it came out, and pre-ordered it. Of course, I probably wouldn't have to worry about it selling out, with all the Sony fanboyism going around. I'm still going to pre-order it, with SSB3, MP3 and Red Steel if they're all available at launch. . Either launch day or Christmas, seeingas Christmas makes it oh that much more special!
  21. Speaking of SSB3, they should bring back those special character entrances! I've only really been hyped out it since yesterday to be honest, I've marked it into my phone and into my journal. I won't be doing much streaming anywhere though, mainly because my computer is really bad at it. So I'll to choose look around the net after it's over.
  22. Should probably use the E3 Hype/Discussion thread for this, I think that thread should be stickied myself. Here's the thread by the way: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5105 Damn, this makes me look like I'm rent-a-modding (am I?).
  23. It is Nintendo Wii, or simply 'wii'? If it's the latter, I bet they'll call all their future console Wii something if it catches on. If they want it to catch on, and it does, they're going to re-use it.
  24. Strange how this name was revealed the day I had dreams of something bad coming out for it, and when we were doing the Excretory system in Science. So there was a link!
  25. I think they should change the pronounciation to "why" for the sake of Ireland & the UK. Imagine an ad for an exclusive game, "Only for Nintendo Wee!". They wouldn't really be able to do much about the concept of "we" in the ad.
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