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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. This is a sign. It is designed to inform you about all kinds of situations, from road-works to speed limits. Have a nice day. Also, massive drop ahead, death is highly probable
  2. Turn right to GET TO DA CHOPPA! DO EET NAAAW!
  3. It looks disturbingly like Wayne Rooney... I'm so sorry.
  4. Note: My hair isn't quite like that yet, but it's the closest I could find to my current hairstyle
  5. Quick tip that can help improve the graphics in TFU for Wii. Turn up the brightness level (in-game) to 2 levels below the max setting. It looks a lot lot better like that.
  6. Well, okay, it wasn't just over a spinning fork, but it was said device that resulted in the final straw for me.
  7. I just lost faith in the whole of the human race.
  8. You can even play as Admiral Ackbar... ITSA TRAP!
  9. Okay, so I bought this game yesterday... AND I COMPLETED TODAY, FFS! I knew this game was short, but christ, 6 FUCKING HOURS?! Well, to look on the bright-side, I got it cheaper via store credit and trading in two old games, plus, it was a short but sweet experience.
  10. "When the man in black signed for a plate durability job, he never expected that he'd be the target practise itself."
  11. I edited my entry to make it a little clearer that she's well and dead.
  12. I forgot to specify that grandma is dead.
  13. "I've got some bad news for you, honey. I'm into necrophilia. Say hi to grandma. Can you pass me the lube again, her vagina is getting dry... Actually, no need, the maggots serve as a lube."
  14. The SECOND one made me blow my load.
  15. It was a pretty damn good series. Avoid the "sequel" series called "Ashes to Ashes" like it was aids.
  16. Wall-E Finally got round to watching it. T'was bloody brilliant, and I almost cried in some scenes (fuck, what's happening to me?!). George Lucas and Lucasfilm Animation should take one look at this film, and feel utterly shamed of themselves for creating that travesity "The Clone Wars". 9.7/10
  17. From what I've heard, the Wii version is actually getting quite a lot of praise, even compared to the PS3 and 360 ones, since the latter versions apparently feel more like tech demos than games.
  18. I only went to see it due to partial obligation by my -shudder- older brother, since seeing it was really the only way I have a chance of seeing The Dark Knight in English (since I have to travel to another part of my province to do so)... Basically, if I had the choice, I wouldn't have gone to see this movie even if I was payed to do so.
  19. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Oh...My...Fucking...God...?! What have they done to Star Wars? WHAT IN GOD'S NAME HAVE THEY DONE TO IT?! Okay, the prequels weren't exactly wonderful, BUT FOR FUCKS SAKE, THIS IS JUST LIKE HAVING SHIT RUBBED INTO YOUR EYES! At first, I had a bit of hope. After the god-awful voice-over intro, it showed a bit of hope. The animation was quite unique, the action was well done, and the score wasn't too bad. Then, everything went to pot. The battle droids suddenly gained the personality of a mentally challenged child, frequently making mistakes not even the most idiotic human being could do, annoying characters appearing (for example, the female jedi apprentice, Ahsoka, Stinky -shudder- and that fucking transvestite Jabba the Hutt thing), an bad storyline (rescuing Jabba's son from kidnappers to gain access to their trade routes, WTF?!) an increasingly bad music score, extremely inconsistent animation (one minute, everything was extremely detailed, the next, it looked like it was rendered on a fucking N64. Also, other problems include often extremely undetailed scenarios, backgrounds that look like that they were compressed as a GIF file, and Count Dooku's beard. Seriously. You could almost count the pixels on it.) and strange inconsistencies in the plot (how did Anakin know instantly that it was Ventrise who was using the force to control the clone trooper?! It could have been anyone for all he knew), an incredibly annoying script, and blablabla. I could go on for a while, but I really cannot be arsed. The positive of this film? Well, the dogfight scenes looks quite good, and there were a few moments where the animation looked good, but they were few and far between. I would have forgiven most of the mistakes if it was 3 episodes instead of 1 long film being broadcast onto my TV screen on a Saturday morning, or even as a TV movie, but no, I payed fucking money to see this, and my god what a waste of money it was. One last thing. FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS! FUCK... YOU! Seriously, there's no-way in hell that I'm ever paying to see another Star Wars film in the cinema after this. No... Fucking... WAY! From now-on, I'll be sticking to the original trilogy, a few books/comics and perhaps the occasional decent Star Wars video game, but when it comes to cinema... FUCK NO! Guys and girls, do not waste your money on this film, in fact, don't even download it, don't waste the fucking bandwidth and precious space on your HDD to download it. It really is not worth it. 3/10 (3 points for being good for the first 5 minutes and the few half decent dogfights)
  20. Been using for a day so far, and I'm liking it a lot. However, there's a few things I'd like to see changed in it. 1) Being able to click the middle mouse button to scroll. 2) To be able to delete most visited sites on tabs (especially when you look at lotsa pr0nz) 3) Better download manager. I started to download something from Rapidshare, I closed that window... And I lost the download too!
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