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Everything posted by Tales

  1. I don't think I have the robust statue. When can you open?
  2. Game's installed but I'm still downloading the 47gb day 1 patch! I'm sure there may be problems anyway, but given everything I've heard I don't want to start the game without it. 81 minutes go
  3. I want to watch it, but it's starting at 1am here and I got work at 7. I'll watch a vod tomorrow.
  4. Puppy plushies for sale in my town if anyone's interested.
  5. Sure, I'll have it open shortly. edit open
  6. Amazing painting and beautiful statue(venus)
  7. Redd offering real serene and wistful painting. Again.
  8. Celeste is here if anyone's interested. Let me know and we'll try to work out a time. I will be playing Hyrule Warriors in the meantime.
  9. Redd got a real Serene painting over here.
  10. I'm free anytime tonight if Celeste is there.
  11. I don't think so, I'm not sure I will show up for Halloween at all. Watch Dogs is out and I rather spend my weekend with it instead.
  12. If you can be here in 30 min I'm open now.
  13. Redd's visiting with one real glowing painting. I can open for the next two hours now, or around 8:30 tonight UK.
  14. Sorry,it's open now for a a couple hours.
  15. I'm eating now, in 15 minutes okay?
  16. Redd's visiting with all fakes again if anyone's interested.
  17. Can you open still? Really need to see Celeste.
  18. I'll come over. Don't have basic painting.
  19. Yes, just keep buying new seeds in shop and plant them.
  20. From what I read on gamefaqs the other three colors outside of orange has a smaller chance of spawning. So you just need to buy more seeds and keep planting. Alternatively I got two green ones yesterday. If I remember to water them tomorrow I think they're supposed to sprout three each in two days. FYI, you can get Halloween DIYs from villagers crafting.
  21. I'll open in five minutes and let it stay there while I eat dinner. Let me know if you came by, and excuse the mess, I haven't been bothered with flowers and weeds for a while @Sméagol
  22. Real Dynamic painting available in my town. Let me know if you're interested. Can open this morning or this evening.
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