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Everything posted by Tales

  1. Real sinking painting available tonight after 8pm. Let me know if you are interested.
  2. I'm going to buy a new tv for the ps5, but I was hoping just a regular 4k tv would be good enough.
  3. Redd's visiting with fake Mona Lisa, Academic and Scenic painting. Let me known if you're interested.
  4. I got Redd with four fakes Mona Lisa, scary painting and shovel statue is left.
  5. Meteor shower and Celeste. Gate open for an hour.
  6. I have meteor shower today. I'll open at 8pm uk for an hour or two. Celeste may or may not be there, since I have another on Saturday.
  7. I'll trade for the serene painting.
  8. I got a real famous painting(Mona Lisa) in the mail. I already have it in the museum so I'll trade this for a real I don't have.
  9. If you have caught every fish since March you should only have 2 fish left. Both fish and bugs have one remaining for November and one for December. For deep sea, you will be done next March I think.
  10. Surprise visit from Celeste. Quote me if you want me to open up. New zodiac item this time.
  11. Sorry, can't connect the Switch to the Internet for some dumb reason.
  12. Redd is visiting. Real Flowery and Moody painting. Fake scary and Amazing painting. I already have the real ones so if anyone's interested I'll leave them for now. Tag or quote me before noon, second chance sometime in the evening.
  13. Can I complete areas 100% as I come across them or do I need to come back with new gear for some of them?
  14. I JUST bought a statue at Smeagol
  15. Sucks that we keep getting Redd on the same days. I had one real one last week go by unsold. If Bowserbasher's painting is gone I would like to pick up a statue instead. I think the chance for getting all fakes is 10%, same for 3 real I think. Most common is one real painting. Speaking of art, I happened to get a real painting sent in the mail yesterday by one of my villagers. @Sméagol, if Bowserbasher doesn't reply, what's the latest you can open for me?
  16. Just making sure, you're only watering flowers with at least one empty space around them right? There's no point in watering a meadow.
  17. All tools have a certain amount of durability, and there are certain actions that will make them lose durability and some that don't. As for the watering can, you don't spend a durability point if what you're watering is already watered. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/248082-animal-crossing-new-horizons/78541133
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