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Everything posted by Tales

  1. Looks like there's a meteor shower at his town too.
  2. I'll be there shortly! The first time you talk to her in the month(following the star signs) you get an item related to the month. So this month it was the Taurus bathtub. After that it is random.
  3. I enjoyed the third game when I played it a while ago, and the second one on PS3 long time ago. Will probably pick this up.
  4. It will be open in a minute. The Da Vinci human biology painting is still available if anyone wants to pick that one up.
  5. For gold or cloning? Same answer I think, it doesn't need any flower around it. I do keep mine in a group of black roses just in case though. If you're looking to clone it you should separate it. It will always clone if it has no one to breed with it.
  6. He has Warrior statue. If anyone's interested he also have a fake Mona Lisa and the Da Vinci one.
  7. Does anyone want to tick off a birthday on the Nook miles thing? Otherwise nothing else is happening here today.
  8. Black roses only needs to be watered with a gold watering can one time until the time a gold appears, then you need to do it again. If you can't or won't keep track of what black rose spawned what gold, you can just water them everyday with a gold watering can to play it safe, but visitor should never need to use one as well.
  9. Pekoe is making a terrarium. I know it's early but does anyone want me to open the gates?
  10. You are absolutely sure he's not wandering around? It's sounds like the part where he's wandering around you which is also when he sells you his first painting. And have you upgraded the museum by giving Blathers a painting? I've tried searching around and this is the best I can come up with. Maybe you have to buy a real painting on someone else's island to give to Blathers.
  11. I think shrubs are seasonal. They will flower when in season.
  12. Yeah, I made the one for Queen Butterfly. It's almost twice as big as the original. Meanwhile the Coelacanth is like three times as small.
  13. Did you get it? You acted so weird there for a minute
  14. And my Angus is making a pile of zen cushions.
  15. FIY, the DIY requires the lucky cat item(Gulliver). Should have mentioned that in the first place. Still want it I'll ship them by mail Got to fill out that miles thing
  16. I have these DIYs to give away. If you don't take them I will sell them to Nook. I also have Saharah walking around. I can ship by mail or open the gates/visit if you ask. Palm-tree lamp Orange end table Orange dress Lucky gold cat Music stand Bamboo shoot lamp x2 Wooden block chest Peach dress Leaf umbrella Fossil doorplate Bamboo doll Bamboo shelf Light bamboo rug x2 Birdhouse Log bench x2 Bamboo wand Wooden simple bed x2 Pan flute Wooden block chest Knitted-grass backpack Wooden toolbox Iron garden bench Birdcage Wooden chest Green leaf pile Wooden low table Fruit wreath
  17. Eugene is making a cool looking stone lion-dog. It's a statue. Gate's open for an hour.
  18. Eugene is making gold shoes. I'll open the gate for an hour.
  19. I have the wall, but I don't mind the DIY as well.
  20. Think she moved like two weeks ago. I can't say I miss her I have another villager packing up today(Broccoli) so tomorrow I will use the 65 Miles tickets I have saved up to hunt for the perfect villager and as well as rare islands, especially the big fish island. @Ronnie I can come over for the birthday whenever you're free.
  21. Can someone send me 10 yellow and red mums seeds bought in store? And 10 store bought red pansie seeds. Or let me visit if that's better. I have plenty already, but I'm starting some of my hybrid projects from scratch to better track the off springs, and for that I need store bought seeds. edit: Spent last evening uprooting my entire field, planning to buy 90 white roses in attempt to counter the low chance of a blue rose by going large scale. But Nook changed his inventory. So I need 90 white roses too
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