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Everything posted by Tales

  1. I already bought it, so I can just mail it to you through Nook shopping.
  2. Do you have the Golden Arowana model diy still? Was someone looking for musical instrument? Got an Alto Saxophone.
  3. The top one is a wooden low table, right? I have that one and the stool. The menu chalkboard I've ordered and mailed you. I'll craft and mail the others tomorrow.
  4. Added you. Not in particular I'm looking for.
  5. Increases the odds of spawning hybrids apparently.
  6. For Angus? No, anything will work. I gave him an orange when he denied 10k bells.
  7. Got an error and took the opportunity to update the console. It's open now.
  8. Got 632 Opening my gates shortly(edit: gate's open). You got until 11 am uk time. Also Deena is crafting a hedge standee, it's Angus' birthday so bring a present or buy at the shop(he doesn't accept money, I tried) and if you like watering flowers I placed arrows to point to which I liked watered. @Mike1988uk @Shorty @Katie
  9. I think that's a good thing. And that they should go further. Remove stealth and remove the Animus. Make the gameplay and story fit the era and location. Anyway, I know I will enjoy this game. Super excited for this.
  10. Not looking for anything particular right now. But Angus' birthday is tomorrow if you want to come over and water some flowers for me. Sent you the items, they're like 600 bells total so it's not a big deal
  11. I have a beach chair and beach towel if that's what you mean. I also have life ring. But it's blue and white. I think I have one in storage so I'll see if it is customizable. Edit it's not.
  12. Oh, that's just a prediction. I could easily see nothing but 100 +- this week. Just wanted to let people know there could be spike tomorrow morning or Friday. In my opinion, these prediction aren't that useful, I feel like they're mostly just false hope. They just tell you could get anywhere from 50 to 600 no matter what you type. I don't think I've seen a minimum price that isn't sub 100 even on predicted spikes either. The only useful info I get from this I should really check with Nook tomorrow morning.
  13. My turnip prediction for the week. https://ac-turnip.com/share?f=107-95-91-87-83-137-175
  14. I got red and pink amelia bush, and white and red azalea for sale today.
  15. Just realized I need red windflower for my hybrid projects. Anyone? edit never mind, found some next to my house
  16. If it's not a Peacock or of the other fancy ones I'm not even considering it. So I haven't been catching many. I could have considering catching smaller butterflies, and fish again, if they could just cut that announcement/show off part. It's just annoying and makes it not worth the time.
  17. They can't make models for visitors.
  18. Yes, you can only buy one art piece a day. If you bought one at yours today there's no point in trying to buy one at mine. If he's here tomorrow you could. I mentioned this because unless Nintendo finally punishes time travelers, Redd is just like other visitors, in the way that you can have him several times in a "short" timeframe or almost not at all. It's just random when he arrives. In my game I think I've had Gulliver four times but C.J. only once.
  19. PSA: You can buy art from Redd on other islands as long as you haven't bought one in yours. So people should inform the rest of us if he's visiting even if they're all fakes(I know I will buy fakes) I assume most people have Redd guaranteed to show up today but in case you don't you can visit mine. I don't what's real or fake though. edit: Also I have the 1 million crown for sale. It's the tiny one.
  20. I had a Shower booth for 110 000 bells. Can't use but it looks pretty nice-
  21. I would like one. How do you want to do it? Mail or visit.
  22. Sound like a garden bench. I'll send you two. You can customize them for different colours. Could I get a table and couple of the chairs in return maybe.
  23. I'll send it tomorrow. Limit of two letters a day to the same person Same as above for the last item.
  24. I'll ship them by mail later tonight.
  25. Furry little tyrant is complaining about items cluttering the ground, and I don't think she is just talking about the few turnips I have left, but the DIYs as well. So unless anyone want the DIYs below I'm selling them. Because for some dumb reason you can't put them in storage. Green leaf pile Light bamboo rug Wooden simple bed Key holder Bamboo wand Golden flooring Tiki torch Mountain standee Bamboo bench Flower stand Music stand
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