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Everything posted by conzer16

  1. oh im sooooooooooo going to get it the day it is released!!! I cannot wait!!!!!! Bring it on!!!
  2. meh! as expected really.
  3. Okay Im posting this pic (that i took a while ago) cause it just proves that a certain Media Corporation (that shall remain nameless!!)can brainwash anything! :eek: (Quality isnt great, just grabbed and snapped - cause it was so funny at the time!) My poor little Misty - brainwashed by American Political Propaganda........*sob, sob:cry:*
  4. yeah and it looks really good! I truly hope it is an ingame screen! Edit: Notice the victims left hand reching up towards the character? Deffo looks like an ingame shot
  5. Check them out - seems to be from a trailer but also seems to include a screenshot from the game?? http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/news_040506_sadness.html
  6. ^Like the quote! Reminds me of a pint of Guinness for some reason.......!lol! ill give it 7/10 cos of the quote!!
  7. ah man have a good time!! take some good pics too and post em for us!! Enjoy it maverick!
  8. Hey colin check this out!!
  9. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant!!! But tell me, did them kids actually get to play it??? ie Play the Wii????
  10. Thats damn good dabookerman!!!
  11. JULY!!!!!! oh my god!!! that would be incroyable!!! If Nintendo are planning a big surprise at E3, I wouldnt be that surprised myself if it was an early release. I hazard the earliest they'd release it would be August though. JULY!!!!! thats only 2 months away!!!! oh be still my beating heart..........!
  12. Ooooooooh!!!! its all coming together!!!!!!! or else someone is going to a lot of trouble to wind us all up.............
  13. Well with a 14 week global release schedule i reckon Late October is the latest we'll see the Wii in Europe. I betting around the week of 25th.
  14. Lazy Boy i remember that article you speak of too. But Im also one to be unsure about the credulity of this. I would like to believe it, and I am inclined to. But theres always that niggling doubt. I hope it is true. We'll just have to wait and see i suppose.
  15. Okay I found this on another forum....... It could be true/It might not be true Make up your own minds. To paraphrase a certain Media Bias "I report, you decide" http://uk.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=24578158&page=0
  16. Yeh im beginning to like it myself too!! Roll on next week for E3!!
  17. Agus nach rud iontach é freisin an Ghaeilge a léamh ar bhfórum na hidirlíone!! Agus is dócha nach dtuigeann an cuid is mó daoine atá ar an bhfórm cad tá muid ag caint faoi!!! Éire Abú!!!
  18. I reckon we'll get it on 25th October 2006. Nintendo said worldwide release before Thanksgiving so, Japan first, then America, then Europe 25/10/06
  19. Thats true actually Matt. I was thinking of Commandos (thats really the only strategy game ive played before - on pc tho) I think racing games are perfect for the FHC!! I mean when you first picked up a controller to play a racing game, what did you do with your hands when you came to the first corner?? Tilted them in the direction you wanted the car to go...!!! no?? Racing games will feel different to play allrite cos we're so used to pushing a to accelerate and b to brake and using the analogue stick to turn, but i bet it will feel so natural and ultimately easier with the FHC
  20. Hmmmm good question fellow paddy......... what about one of those WWE wrestling games? mebbe....?? or what about a strategy game, if Wii is to get one?
  21. no need to go off on one man, just search the forums before you write a new thread thats all!!
  22. shoulda done a search man.......its been said already or just looked at caliburs thread
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