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Everything posted by conzer16

  1. scusi - edited.....did not mean to offend
  2. nope the japanese guy picked one up there!
  3. mebbe its the PSP!!!
  4. seriously guys, that silver system looks like a George Foreman Grill!!!
  5. yadda yadda yadda - people must be falling off their seats with boredom
  6. that fella that was weaving everywhere should try a wii-mote!!
  7. that planet psp thing would actually work better on DS no??
  8. 1 BILLION!!! foooook!!!
  9. yay picture at last!!
  10. speakers!!! I have this shit goin thru my Guitar AMP!! Here we go!!
  11. oooh thought we were ready to go there!!!
  12. was waiting for MJ to make his apperance!!
  13. What about: "Sony Interests, GameSpot Entertains":D
  14. pulling out all the stops arent they!
  15. yeah quite annoying! oh and congrats on the Student of the Year award! I remember winning "Spirit of they Year" in 6th year........yay!!!!: peace:
  16. Anyone know if any TV channel (satellite or otherwise) are carrying this? or is it just internet streams?
  17. yup its like a filler for when a TV station experiences technical difficulties!! We apologise for this break in transmission.....
  18. GnR????? ooooh how re-assuring!! took them 10 yrs+ to make an album!!
  19. yes. Totally agree with you HoT. How many people can afford to pay >€500 for a console??
  20. twiddle your thumbs.....>.>:p http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/e3live.html?event=e32006 still says 2 secs to the Sony conf!!!
  21. maybe about how their new machine will rule the world??
  22. I expect - a definitive price (incl Blu-ray Drive) - a definitive launch window thats it oh and a lot of SONY bluffing thru their arseholes!! it was a joke (sp..?) read my post above yours...
  23. these things never start on time - we could be waiting for a little while!!!
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