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Everything posted by conzer16

  1. Theres no problem, just a delay! These things never start on time - could be waiting 20 - 30 mins....
  2. betcha Nintendo can set their bloody alarm clocks right.....!!!
  3. yup the "Best Buy" ads played fine but nothing happening......
  4. Okay we all tunes to our respective streams to see what SONY have to offer?? ......like lambs to the slaughter....... mwuh hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Edit: *cough, splutter......* okay im ready now!!
  5. ah well!! bring on 5.30 tomorrow!
  6. Hellfire - ask Koam to upload any scans to photobucket/imageshack etc.......cos he cant upload them to GAF..... (im not a member)
  7. look at ZELDA!!!!!
  8. if not more (now that i think of it) remember 360's launch they added a tenner to it cos of summit to do with the taxation of electronic goods in ireland (?)
  9. ooooh excited is SO not the word for it!!!!
  10. whoops!!! Stupid me!!!!
  11. where abouts are you getting this info hellfire....????
  12. I doubt it'll retail for £200 - that would place it at €300 which would be a ridiculous price for it....... i reckon £150-170 around €200-230
  13. hmmmm $250 = €196 = £134.....thats not bad at all!! EDIT: where are you getting these details Hellfire????
  14. Do you have to have skype credit to use the SkypeOut? I tried ringing in but i dont use the Skype Credit, just the free calls to me mates etc.
  15. agreed..............
  16. Why is the Wii so far away from the telly? and power supply?? is this a hint at the final secret???
  17. I agree with you SE.......look what it says underneath the selection of pics..... oh deary me......
  18. I sincerley hope they arent from Wii..............oh dear if they are
  19. oh phew!!! i though t it was just my comp!! got on finally after 1 hour of trying
  20. Depends how much they are going to say/share/show etc. I reckon 2 hours is a very good guess!
  21. The article itself isnt a leak, but the article has been leaked before it was due to go onsale. I presume thats what people mean. Thas what i mean by it anyway!
  22. now i wonder what made him change his mind..... :p
  23. How much did customs charge you Smiter? I was half-thinking about Importing the Wii from the US.......
  24. hmmmmmm i took a gander down to the local bookshop and while my reason for going down was primarily to give out shit to them about not getting in Issue 3 of ONM (which i have now ordered but will ultimatly get AFTER issue 4 which arrives on thursday......AAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!), I did enquire about TIME also............... and guess what............ its not out till the 15th......apparently
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