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Everything posted by conzer16

  2. Thats being a bit fantastical!!!! we'll just have to wait till May 15th when the mag is released, and sure by then we'll hae seen them at E3 anyways!
  3. Well the Wii video they released as they announced the name showed 4 "i"s playing what was obviousy tennis. That was the first clue i think which pointed towards a tennis game Edit: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 100 posts!!!!
  4. The tension/excitement really is building now! Tomorrow Sony will lay down the gauntlet, and on Tuesday Nintendo will slay Sony's wildest ambitions with the magic, the incredulity, the magnificence that is Wii Bring it on!!!
  5. I think that should read..... OMFG!!! Nintendo:bowdown:
  6. *crosses fingers and prays, while turning toward Mecca and wailing, and basically just hoping against hope the streams stay live......*
  7. yes just did a quich search and you are correct! I bet Nintendo were banking on revealing all at E3 first!! Someone let the cat of of the bag!!!!
  8. oh i though ye all might like to check this out...........(if ye havent already) A nice little teaser............
  9. So when does this issue hit the shelves?
  10. no worries!! Glad to point it out for ya!! Wouldnt want ya missing all the action as it happens!!:wink:
  11. yellow means "zone of equal hour related to GMT", pink means "zone of unequal hour related to GMT", Orange means "split hours" (eg GMT+ 5.30) and i think Green means "individual local time" So pink is GMT+/- and odd number Yellow is GMT+/- an even number Orange is GMT+/- a half hour Green is their own time zone all year round??? (i think) Nope, The States Pacific Coast is in PDT now (or Pacific Daylight Time) and we are in BST (British Summer time) or IST (Irish summer time where i am). So this means they are still 8 hours behind us, not 9 like they were ONLY for a few days, because Europe and the US implement Daylight Savings Time at a slightly diferent time. (i think there is only a few days between it) So 9.30am PDT = 5.30pm BST PDT = GMT - 7hours BST = GMT + 1 hour
  12. yeah tis funny al right!! But suppose has to be really!! if it went straight down a little bit of Russia would be a day ahead of the rest of it!! Same for all those little islands in the Pacific!!!:p
  13. ah of course......!(d'oh!) may get postin' so!!! dont wanna miss out cos of 20 odd posts or so!!
  14. EVERYTHING!!!!! (or near enough to!)
  15. what defines a regular poster though mario114??
  16. Why dont Revo-Europe become a subscription site, get a man over in LA for the week with a videocam and satellite truck and stream everything he records live!! (oh and anyone who is already a member gets free membership for life for the sub part of Revo-Europe!! :D:D:D:D:D!!!)
  17. Definitely GAME. They are the best. Always reliable, and always have helpful friendly staff!
  18. Indeed! Low-Res better than No-Res!!!
  19. I reckon go with it. Makes sense really. But just bear in mind once ye unlock the forums there will be a surge of threads all with the same theme.
  20. Thats a very very good point. One with which i agree 100%
  21. check out http://uk.gamespot.com/e3/e3live.html or take a look at this
  22. So where does avaryone reckon i should go to watch it? I dont have an IGN or Gamespot sub, and was thinkin just head over to gamespot anyways. Would that be wise or would their servers be too unreliable for a non subscriber??? Where should i go folks? I dont wanna miss it, but i dnt have a sub so.....
  23. it will what!!!!! *splutters coffee all over the laptop screen!* :D
  24. no its 12AM GMT. Thats tomorrow night. (or tuesday morning really, but.....)
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