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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. They're only just starting. Just like in Japan.
  2. That, my dear friend, is not true. And besides, if we are so rich, why are we complaining about the price?
  3. Elkjøp is ready for a price war, just like with the DS. Bergsala (who are marketing idiots, by the way), priced the DS at 1499,- kroner, which converts to $232.50. Elkjøp cut a third off the price. I've been talking to a guy at Elkjøp from time to time, and he said after Electroworld (and Elkjøp-hosted electronics show), the chain wants to focus a lot on the Wii. Last time I spoke to the guy, he said they would sell the Wii for 1999,- kroner, or $310. It's not incredible, but at least it's not full price. Hopefully they won't price it higher now Bergsala's released the official prices.
  4. Isn't it strange to see these "normal" sized disks, and then think they're Nintendo games? :P Maybe I'm just strange that way...
  5. The Japanese Zelda box reminds be of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
  6. If only this had online...
  8. Hmm... needs more Ikaruga!
  9. Let's say I wanted to hook my Wii up to my HDTV. Why would I want to do that? Would there be a noticable difference?
  10. I suggest right clicking and saving that article for future use.
  11. Other game cases, such as American cases, have got artwork on them. The only European DS game I've got that has artwork on it is Sonic Rush, and I've got way too many DS games...
  12. Mario and Metroid will be delayed. I just know it.
  13. Don't you just hate the spines on European game boxes?
  14. Wii has also been getting tons of great publicity lately up here.
  15. I am so going to do that with my parents.
  16. Goddammit, not another great-sounding game!
  17. You know, the Xbox 360 is really growing on me. I only bought it last year to get a glimpse into the next generation, but this past year, with games like Oblivion, Burnout, PGR and Lego Star Wars (two of which I know aren't exclusives), the "little" tyke has really grown on me. I wuv it.
  18. Problem is you'll be zipping by it too fast to notice
  19. Going to America this summer was like stepping into paradise. I remember I went to TGI Friday's (in Norway) this summer too, and when the waitress asked if we wanted refills, we all paused and hesitated, but then she said, "They're free, guys", and we scrambled to give her our glasses.
  20. I think the "official" retail price here is £210, if you prefer that :P
  21. Norwegian price is more or less in: Elkjøp will be selling it for 1999,- kroner, which is 160 GBP and 237 EUR. Wouldn't you know it, that's a good price.
  22. The "What do you want it to be today?" sounds too much like the Windows thing.
  23. Best soda pop ever. We have it in Norway, but it just doesn't taste the same! Probably different stuff.
  24. SD cards are actually one of the less pricey kinds.
  25. A: I'd much rather have the consumer buy a Wii, some accessories, and a ton of games, vs. buying any of my competitor's products. This is personal for Reggie. He is THE MAN!
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