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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. Good luck today :)

  2. S'up.


    Its reading fine so far. I'll read through and get an idea of the overall thing and see how that is, then go through again and change the minor grammatical hiccups (that we all do) if you can send me the document (check my email I sent).


    Peace and love like a magic glove.

  3. himym2x09-8.gif


    (me = Barney, you = Marshall naturally)

  4. Whats this about ice cream?

  5. Congratulations on passing your driving test :D

  6. Ooooh girl! Shock me like an electric girl.

    Baby girl! Turn me on with your electric feel.

  7. I ain't no hollaback girl!

  8. There is a 'view conversation' link which is like facebook's 'see wall-to-wall'.


    Anyway, no I believe Heroes has not randomly skipped episodes. I think there was a one week hiatus a few weeks ago but I may be getting confused.


    Although all the hiatuses are just to stretch things out to May, sweeps week and all that.

  9. You replied on your own profile, silly man :p

    And no, it was about Desperate Housewives. Although I think its a pretty similar situation wtih Gossip Girl.

  10. It is on a short hiatus in America. Think it starts again this Sunday so if you're watching British pace it should be on next week too.

  11. Does this mean I can't jackhammer you?

  12. I've read the PMs you've been sending. Bartering sex for +reputation before realising we don't do that anymore and sleeping with them anyway.

    Shameful really.

  13. Congratulations on wining most ironic post of the year: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=969099&postcount=11577

  14. i wanna have your babies

    for serious like crazy


    (just don't tell / nando /)

  15. Thanks. I try and take good care of it. Glad its not going by unnoticed :)

  16. Ashley

    Hey hey, you should post more :p

  17. Haha I was round a friends and we were playing Mario Kart Wii and someone selected Daisy so I said "Hi I'm Daisy!" and they looked at me strange so I said "she says it..." and then when she didn't say it during the game I said "maybe it was on the GameCube...but she does!" Made me seem crazy.


    Classic catchphrase though.

  18. I didn't know you were a hamster...

  19. *bitchslaps....in the nuts*


    You asked for it.


    And im the only one writing on your wall. Loser :p

  20. A-ha! Not so smart now are you :p

  21. Does it work for you noooow?

  22. Eww you :p

    And pink and black? You big gay emo!

  23. I tried with reds and oranges originally but soon realised how fugly it was. Will come back to it at some point but I really should do uni work instead.

  24. Purple and green? You really are emo.
