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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. Cheers. I was just about to do it when I saw you had :p Much appreciated.

  2. Its early and for a second I thought you said picture of me in a shower, confused! But thanks :D


    And because of you I have Jungle Book songs in my head :P

  3. thefutoncritic is pretty good.


    Although I may do a thread with dates in soon if you're not in a rush. Don't start til September anyway.

  4. I may be interested in the book things or whatever. Tell me more.

  5. Ashley

    Seriously, sort out your twitter. It keeps DMing me crap :p

  6. Did you die?

  7. Hey. Quick Japanese question as I'm trying to get back into learning it (starting with Hiragana...again) and I know that つ is used before consonants to double the following sound, but is this an always rule or just for certain ones? For example, got something here which is つも so is that mmo (there is more before or after it, so don't worry if it makes no sense out of context)?



  8. I know I had a Savvy and I think a phone before that, can't remember what though.


    Oh and something good is coming after the weekend ;)

  9. Lol Jamincest.

  10. Walking down Southbank earlier and came across this:



  11. Haha thanks, I tried to go for something that isn't too sharp on the old peepers ^_^

  12. Wincest is the term for Sam/Dean Winchester fanfiction/art. True story.

  13. What are Kindles like? If I ever get a job I'm tempted to buy one.

  14. Lets say I was!


    Unless it was a dream I wouldn't like to be in :p

  15. Right okay, cheers. It looks full sized so I'm guessing its 'itsumono' and then maybe goes onto something else...I dunno, it then becomes Kanji and is out of my league :p Cheers dude :)

  16. See that's what I'm thinking, could be good for travelling. Sometimes having a huge book can be a problem to lug around.


    Cheers for the info.

  17. I just recalled I still owe you a drink wrapped in Tori Amos.

  18. You suck rabbit fur.

  19. Yeah I know of it (and have it installed) but me and Firefox get on like Tories and Lib De--oh wait never mind :p

  20. In my defence I...


    I leave Tuesday (and am busy all of tomorrow) so January some point? Earlier in the term the better before I start screaming "ARGH WORK!!!"

  21. S'up.


    Its reading fine so far. I'll read through and get an idea of the overall thing and see how that is, then go through again and change the minor grammatical hiccups (that we all do) if you can send me the document (check my email I sent).


    Peace and love like a magic glove.

  22. It just runs really slowly on my slaptop. Dunno why. I use it at work, because its that or I(cant)E7...

  23. Nor when.


    You live in like...zone 12 right?

  24. Sorry its late in the day but happy birthday :)

  25. Ashley

    I DO NOT WHINE! :p
