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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. Fair enough.


    Maybe in the future I should think first and all that too.

  2. dhctjp.jpg


    Unless, was that the one you put forward for everyone to add to and chances are I added them...you know how slow I can be.

  3. Pleasantly surprised by The Perishers on your 'Mope' playlist.

  4. meant to look 3d to celebrate the 3d re-release :p

  5. BTW how do you want to do impressions for the WiiWare/DSiWare games? All together, one by one etc? Can you decide and put in a graphics request please? :)

  6. Music Warz;

    At my count there are 20 participants, which means 60 tracks and 30 matches. How are you dividing the rounds, i.e. how many rounds will there be and how many matches in each round?


    Actually, thinking about it. If there are 60 songs originally and each round eliminates half of them what will happen in the third round when you're down to 15? 3-way matches? Or one 3-way battle and the rest 2s?


    And have you decided on what percent you are looking for? Of the original 60 songs if people were to vote in 40 that would be 66% (ie 1/3), 75% would be 45 songs, 50% would be 30 songs. Just to give you ideas. Think I'm done with questions now.




    Oh wait! Did you know when you create polls you can set it so that you can view who voted? Dunno if you wanna use it but it could save you having to count things up, plus it'll show who has and hasn't voted.

  7. Indeed it is. Will be nice to not to have to buy the economy versions of food and stuff I want :p

    Yup. Still going through with Disneyland. Need to make sure my mom can get the day off (in addition to her normal days off) before I book it. But as its a surprise I've asked her partner (who works with her) to sort it out weeks ago, checked with him yesterday and he hadn't ^_^ Anywho, thanks for the offer. I shall let you know :) Although it'll probably be closer to the time when I'm like "Ine what do I do? What shall I see? Where shall I go!?" :p

  8. Oooh I have a job now!


    Once I buy the essentials and sort out Disneyland provided I have the money I'll be buying some of your stuff ^_^ Or I'll wait til my first pay day but I've just realised and kinda did this: :yay:

  9. You don't love naked juggling NOW but wait until you see your Christmas present ;)

  10. "Hi I'm Neil Patrick Harris and I'm hosting this year's Emmys, bite me everyone I went to elementary school with! I'm just kidding, I never went to elementary school. I was a television star by then ;)"

  11. 200804010341271516746_Tricia-Helfer.jpg


    You know you still love it :heh:

  12. "Man, if I were allowed to give infractions for ignorance..."

    I don't think anyone would oppose really.

  13. The one 3D film I have seen (Coraline) really worked well. There was a few "ZOMG ITS COMING AT ME!" moments but mostly it was used to give the picture a real sense of depth.

  14. Me and Hanatta are training in Viridian Forest tomorrow at noon. Need you to come along to level up Ellasaur!

  15. "I'm pretty sure 3D doesn't work for me and my broken eyes. Hooray for the future!"




    Its basic science...

  16. I can't. I've got a thing sorry.

  17. My dreams tend to involve more hellfire (not the member) and destruction.

  18. Ghost?!




    What are you, a woman in the 80s?

  19. Why are you not on MSN!? :p

  20. pervefacecreepybot

  21. lol WAS 20 free copies of your CV printed courtesy of Staples

  22. I glanced at your new avatar and thought she was cupping her own breast...I think that says a lot about me but thought I'd share.

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