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Everything posted by shade

  1. Both Dragon Quest Swords and this are looking great. Nice one SE.
  2. seems like we ill be getting N64 games once every 1.5 months or 2 months.
  3. Good, price say between £20 & £30, good controls and maybe a little extra and I'll buy it.
  4. Would be nice to see some third party N64 games likes Resi 2. Wasn't shadowman rumored a few months back?
  5. It is a studio that can also make mature games, a good purchase. I hope nintendo will buy a few Euro and US studios as well
  6. 4th was a good game.
  7. Japanese release dates remember. Games such as Prime 3 and batallion wars will get released in the US and europe before japan.
  8. Strange. Next time you try test to make sure you are on the net, to test this use the internet channel. I do find that with the everyone votes channel that if you are having connection problems it shows an out of date version of the channel. So first make sure you are connecting your friends internet properly. Second make sure your console is set to UK If none of that works, contact nintendo, numbers should be in the manual.
  9. poster needed to confirm that. That is really impressive. I hope Nintendo do a press release when number 5,000,000 is downloaded, that is roughly 1 million a month at the moment.
  10. I'm finding those numbers hard to believe, where did they come from? are they from launch or just a months or a weeks worth. Im finding them hard to believe because not a lot of money is not being made and soon support for it will drop from third parties as it will not be worth it but it is actually getting stronger. Oh yeah this is my main reason http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3156714 1.5 million that is a bit more then 4045
  11. Really, don't expect them at the same time or for another six months, be patient.
  12. thats a damn shame, best part of deception
  13. It does work for Wii however you will have the same problem as with the gamecube pad with the SNES games because of the button placement
  14. Didn't THQ say that this years game was to be more arcade like? If so then the pace of the game might be like DOR
  15. has the puzzle mode made a return in this game?
  16. that would be funny
  17. It will be as deep folks, you forget that the wii mote has buttons and a D pad.
  18. I would love MK2 and its possible as for online don't expect it then you will not be disappointed.
  19. control chart
  20. At the moment it is.
  21. Controls take a bit of getting used to, graphics suck a bit but I love the actual game.
  22. Good score, remember folks this was first on cube and the graphical upgrade does not seem to be much so of course a 9 is unliky
  23. Donkey Kong Country 1 is on VC already
  24. never played it, is it any good?
  25. That sounds about right. Just wait before starting the hate rants people
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