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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. 1. Why are you buying the console? I've been a big Nintendo fan since the N64 days. I love the experiences that Nintendo used to give and keep giving. 2. Has this differed from previous console generations? Fort he first time, I'm not entirely convinced that "OMG! This is going to be AWESOME". This very much due to the lackluster roster of the Wii. 3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high? It better be much higher than on the Wii, that's for sure. I traditionally buy 20+ games per generation, so I hope that it'll follow that pattern. 4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles? Currently I hope that I won't have to buy a second console. But it entirely depends on whether there'll be sufficiently many interresting games for the Wii U.
  2. The Paver wins once all the other players have fallen off the road.
  3. Depends completely on what you have in mind. The actual manouverability of the Paver is going to be limited to prevent him/her from doing too advanced manouvers. Beyond that, there's going to be a lot of obstacles in the game world for the paver to avoid.
  4. We're not sure right now. We've previously considered to have a Beta release, but we've been given the advice to develop it for consoles, potentially the Wii U. So show us proper support, and we'll make it happen
  5. We've had to write our own physics to make the gravity the way it is. And yes, the gravity is relative to the track, as opposed to a global direction.
  6. Yes indeed you can. If you look at the Trailer, you actually see several players falling off the tracks and flying back. To make it less tedious to play once ytou've lost, you're placed in the back of the paver and place out obstacles and booster pads.
  7. What do you mean by the vehicles being locked to the track? Yes, it's true that you can't jump, at least not at the moment. The actual levels are going to contain lots of obstacles for teh Paver avoid, to make gameplay more challenging for that player, and of course to create more visual variety. We'll gladly take any and all suggestions on how we can improve the game.
  8. Check it out! Here's the first gameplay video: http://www.indiedb.com/games/velocity-stream
  9. Since I already own the whole trilogy, I wasn't quite sure whether to buy ME3 again. I was at first hoping that the Wii U version would be launched in an N7 edition or similar, since I missed it the first time around. However, I was expecting a lot more exclusive content to justify myself rebuying the game. Now that there's a trilogy pack coming, I on one side don't like being forced to pay too much, but on the other, I think I should buy it to make EA release the trilogy for the Wii U too. Being a fairly poor student, I don't think i'll buy a game I already own, atless it's highly improved. I'd might sway back into buying it if EA announce a whole bunch of Wii U exclusive content to justify the extra price. Some graphical enhancements which make use of the Wii U's extra horsepower, some skinpacks for your squaddies, some extra equipment (a zapper-like pistol, a varia suit, an omni-master sword or something of that nature) and some minor side quests. I'd say that EA have made a very bad decision for everyone involved, including themselves. By announcing the trilogy, they've scared away many people whom had plans to buy the Wii U version. It's bad for EA, because they'll earn less money and it's bad for Wii U owners, because it reduces the chance of the trilogy coming to the Wii U ever. And maybe it'll even prevent future ME sequels from coming as well. Worst case scenario is that EA write the Wii U off as a casual machine. A simple solution would've been to announce and release the trilogy pack perhaps a year later.
  10. I was hoping there'd be enough bonuses for me to be willing to buy this version despite already owning the first trilogy.
  11. TBH, 3rd party support isn't all that remarkable at the moment. Sure, I'm super happy about Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Arkham and Aliens. But so far, there's a lot missing. The new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed is due soon after the Wii U's launch, but haven't been anounced for the format. MGS: Ground Zeroes was unveiled a week or so ago, but no mention of a Wii U version. I'm more happy about Nintendo's online integration, and the transferability from Wii to Wii U.
  12. I completely missed the original for Xbox. In fact I for some reason recall it getting quite negative reviews, both online and from friends. I'll check if I can get it cheaply used.
  13. Yeah. I have a nagging feeling that was the ambition, as they in fact have chosen one level per Bond so to speak. I'm hoping, but know that it wont happen: that they drop the super-linear CoD-style level design.
  14. I only care about ONE thing. The software lineup. If they don't fix it or emphasise the right games, I'm not sure I'll get this console.
  15. I find it a bigger issue that it doesen't have analogue triggers. Makes the Wii U, yet again, completely useless for racers.
  16. Perfect Dark: Nintendo should buy this franchise and bring it back to the glory of the original. Large ammounts of cool guns, non-linear level design, great story, long singleplayer campaign and TONS of multiplayer options. Not to mention co-op and counter-op modes and cheats. Quite simply an FPS which beats Halo and Killzone on every conceivable level. Pilotwings: A brand new Pilotwings in the style of the N64 version. No miis, a real freeroam mode, and a plane/gyrocopter that handles like the real thing. Excite!: A proper sequel to Excitebike 64 AND Excitetruck, adding rallycars as well, hopefully resulting in something similar to Motorstorm.
  17. Leviathan sure does sound interresting. I just hope it tells the story of the reapers better than how you find out about the Geth-Quarian conflict inside the consensus. It indeed depends on what content it is that it'll get exclusively. If it's a little bit of extra Normandy banther, I don't think anyone'll complain. I personally think that it should be something Nintendo related. Like a Wiimote-pistol or Varia Suit armour. Although it'd perhaps feel a bit out of place, you could even add Samus as a squadmate.
  18. Looks brilliant. Hope they'll add SOME extra content. The game really lacks in the side quest department, so a few of those would be nice.
  19. Nintendo already have the platform segment covered with their own, rather splendid IP's. If they want a platformer that's somewhat different, they should get Conker's Bad Fur Day. But frankly, I'd rather see them buy Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini or Blast Corps.
  20. Hey. Right now me and a gang of friends are working on a game we've got some quite high hopes for. Follow us as me turn this idea into a great game. Velocity Stream is an assymmetric racing game, where one player flies the "Paver", a spacecraft which leaves a trail of energy in its wake. On this trail, the other players race, trying to be first to catch up with the Paver. The Pavers goal is of course to make a road so difficult that all players fall off. Follow us at IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/velocity-stream And of course, we'll hapily take any and all suggestions and criticism
  21. What do you dislike about them? I love the Forza games, all except for the fact that you allways raced on race tracks. The change of setting is positive IMO. And also, I've allways wanted dirt racing and night racing. I just sincerely hope that they haven't reduced the car roster too much. I still wanna drive around in my monster tuned Saab, faux- Police Volvo 240 and "The Fast & The Furious" Eclipse.
  22. Here's something about the Extended Cut:
  23. That trailer makes you long for a real Donkey Kong game.
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