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Everything posted by Raven

  1. Same here. As soon as one starts seeing stuff like "explosive spoiler" and "This game just gets more and more interesting." you know it's time to leave. Have fun guys, I wont be visiting this thread again. The likelyhood of me visiting the forum itself seeing as so much information is out is also very slim. Might just keep eye on newspage alone. Cheers Raven
  2. playing kingdom hearts. writing a thesis.
  3. Your energy example is just applying a scalar quantity to each point in cartesian space. I will admit that all science is just a theory (heh. as is religion). But the time fourth dimension is shown in practice with electrons within a synchrotron. Relativistic effects need to be taken into account to keep the electrons in phase and for determining their energies and velocities. Bwa ha ha!
  4. *insert physicist* The 4th dimension is time, and it refers to special relativity in which it is assumed that every position in space will also have an associated time coordinate. so (x,y,z,t). This is taken into account at relativistic speeds (ie. when approaching the speed of light) because at these speeds not only do lengths contracts, but time dilates. SIXAXIS does appear to be one of those 'buzz words'. Because where I come from in the land of physics, a degree of freedom is a movement by an object that cannot be emulated by any combination of the other movements. This is mainly associated with molecular dynamics though... So moving in the x,y and z directions (cartesion space) is 3 degrees of freedom. BUT rotation also be considered degrees of freedom. ie. rotation around the x axis, y axis and z axis. I hope that nobody tries to prove (without use of an amusing photoshop picture with a ps3 controller with 12 wheels coming out of it) that the name SIXAXIS is justified. Its bullshit, as is the 4D crap.
  5. No such thing as too harsh. Anyone can potentially ruin an awesome storyline. They should pay the price if they do.
  6. Seen this just around the corner from Melbourne Central train station (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, The world... etc etc) heh heh. Took the picture a while back, just been a long time coming before i posted it up on the forum. Nice to see some zelda hype building! This painting... thing... is about 6ft tall
  7. Originally, I was going to go ethernet going on the advise of a computer techy friend who mentioned that gaming tends to drop out with Wifi. But if there isn't that much data being sent anyway... well, probably Wifi all the way! But... seeing as I'm moving house soon, it will probably depend on locations of Wii, wireless router... other stuff.
  8. Agree 100% with you here. The black boxart looks a lot more snazzy than the gold one!
  9. Sounds like a quote of the week...
  10. Ive said that I'm going to do this anyway. I really dont need some little git spoiling anything for me. As soon as it hits November19, the internet can get stuffed. I might spend that time playing Kingdom Hearts actually....
  11. Hypothetically speaking if you were to have ROMs.... This is a real shame, and I posted something to do with the VC region locking in the actual VC thread. I would really like to play a legit version of Chrono Trigger. Oh well... just gonna have to work out a way to fix this.
  12. over the counter. at australia release. probably a midnight release.
  13. Raven


    This is a game that I've been looking forward to for some time. It really is nice to see a company get some guts and make a game how they want to make it. Given the little movie that we have seen, I think it would be hard to adapt their plans to the PS3... Only time can tell though, October 31st here we come!
  14. The one that always springs to mind is using the Wiimote as a torch. Press a button on it and it clicks on, maybe with a buzzing sound. Heh, even a vacuum cleaner, Luigis mansion anyone? Sword slashing and gunfire is pretty obvious. What about stuff for Warioware like games? Fly swat sounds? The sound of the champagne bottle as you shake it and pop the cork... There are HEAPS of little things that can be done
  15. I wish the grass in my backyard was emo... that way it would cut itself... Anyway, emo Link would make a myspace account, and using the wiiconnect24 system you get to publish your poems about how your life is a spiraling vortex of loneliness and depression
  16. Don't forget that the VC games are being region locked as well as the Wii. I assume that means that PAL regions wont have Chrono Trigger available for download. (Which is a darn shame, love the game!)
  17. Lesson 3: "Grandmother is playing Necronesia. She is very sad"
  18. PAL Red Steel Boxart = Balls Give me the silouettes anyday.
  19. real shame that. I wanted to play Wii:Swimming. Simply attach a couple of Wiimotes to your arms, head down to local pool, and go crazy! Sunlight=No problem.
  20. Nintendork = Awesome You are completely correct in this statement, and I respect the fact that you will not follow the majority and say what you think! It IS the game inside that matters, but I will say that I would prefer a 'visually pleasing' boxart than a crappy one. It does have little impact on things though.
  21. http://media.games.ign.com/articles/693/693580/vids_1.html Have a look at ign weekly episode 28. At the start is an interview with Perrin Kaplan (who is quite amusing) and Matt asks her about the photo channel, to which she replies [4:52]: So it makes me ponder... USB port... printer... She also makes mention of the VC storage (i'll put this in the VC thread as well if I cant find it mentioned there): We already knew about the Nintendo account thing with the VC stuff... but its interesting that we can delete stuff from storage and still have access to it.
  22. Can you join? Hell, you can be the treasurer! Whats the clubs name? "We are a bunch of cynical Nintendo fanboys who think that waving our hands expends too much energy and 45 minutes of travel is too far?" (shortened to WAABOCNFWTTWOHETOMEA45MOTITF?" In this club you get to drink milk. I really cant see why people would complain about 45 minutes. I mean, it could just be a European thing! I know that to drive from one country to another takes a couple of hours... Well it takes 10hrs to drive from one capital city to the closest over here... and a 2hr drive between cities is quite acceptable...
  23. I didnt mind the sailing so much, but the lack of dungeons shitted me heaps, because i actually enjoyed the new counter attack! Quite often i would be talking to friends, looking the complete opposite direction and kicking some baddies arse just using the rumble from the controller as a guide! I really enjoyed the graphics and had a lot of fun watching Links eyes move around. As things happen, I played the game twice through straight away. As most of you know, when you finish it, you have the option to play through again in blue! well, i didnt read the thing at the end properly and saved over my 'up to last boss' file... doh! Also, can i just say one thing to ANYONE who uses the word overrated for a game... any game! Clearly you are missing the point of the game, and are not getting the enjoyment that should come with the game. I heard someone use the term in another thread for the game 'Eternal Darkness'. Think about the word... you must be missing out on something. Just a simple 'I dont like it' would suffice.
  24. This is actually a VERY good point! If you can put game saves onto the Wiimote, the compression must be very very small... the 512megs of flash memory is going to be buttloads!
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