Woz Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 anyone listen to them on radio 1 last night/ or were lucky enough to go see them? thoughts?
SWatsi Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 I've heard of them before and that they are supposed to be very good, but I've never heard them before. Is there any other info about them around, or any mp3s and whatsnot.
dukkadukka Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 only heard the dancefloor song, but it's pretty great i'm not going to get my hopes up though, the nme crowd have overhyped practically everyone in britain with a guitar in the past twelve months, i can't say i'm expecting a great album out of them.
Daniel Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 i really like them, mainly cause they come from my area :P but they have aome awesome songs. i know what you mean by over hyping bands. I used to really like the Subways - before they released their album, all the tracks were made less grungy for the mass market. really dissapointed me
Wesley Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 Ah the NME crowd . . . make me smile they do. My friends have been telling me about this band, they all bum NME.
Dan_Dare Posted October 5, 2005 Posted October 5, 2005 believe the hype. these guys are very, very good. note: as a Sheffield native it is genetic that I should hype all sheffield music because we just want to be loved. really...
*Dalco* Posted October 5, 2005 Posted October 5, 2005 ye they are brilliant, i gt a CD of 18 MP3's of theres and had it on constantly since getting it
Platty Posted October 5, 2005 Posted October 5, 2005 i saw them at the leeds festival and they are indeed awesome, the tent was packed out a lot of people went to see them from all the hype NME had been giving them and it paid off they were great, i cant wait for the album! oh and its Arctic monkeys
Woz Posted October 7, 2005 Author Posted October 7, 2005 lol...Im from yorkshire so that's how I talk it, so that's how I say It, so it is aloud. Ok To the person who asked for any info on them, just type it in google, something will come up. How cool would snow monkeys be? *begins to think how awesome it would be*
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