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Happy Birthday Star Trek


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wow, 40 years, hard to imagine that it was alread 18years old when i was born.


I find it hard to pick a favourite, all the series' were great. The orginal was ground breaking for its time and still and good watch to this day, Captian Kirk was/is the man. And its movies were brilliant "Undiscovered Country" FTW.


Next Generation was what really got me hooked, hell i pretty much grew up with it, Picard is a legend and when they introduced The Borg it was like "holy crap". Again brilliant films and "Generations" where Picard and Kirk meet, what a moment that was.


Deep Space 9 was cool, it gave Cheif O'Brien a main role (he was kinda in and out of NG) when Worf came back it was like the return of an old friend to the TV and the story with the Gemhadar(sp?) and Changlings was good. And of course Voyager was awesome for many reasons, two of which being Janeway and 7 of 9 <3 *drool* And when they finally made it home that was epic. Those two shows deserve at least one feature film shame they never got it.


Enterprise was great, it was cool seeing it go "back to basics" so to speak, shame it only had a few seasons, it could/should have gone at least another two

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. And of course Voyager was awesome for many reasons, two of which being Janeway and 7 of 9 <3 *drool* And when they finally made it home that was epic. Those two shows deserve at least one feature film shame they never got it.


I loved Voyager to bits especially when they started going through Borg space. Alot of fans didnt like it as they say it made to Borg look weak, I say it was because Janeway was so B.A and took on anyone who stood in her way!

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Happy Birthday Star Trek


Star Trek First Contact ftw

closely followed by Wrath of Khan


"This far and no farther, I will make them pay for what they've done!"


I loosely watched Voyager but then they aired TNG regularly and I watched almost every episode - from then on I became totally hooked.



Also don't forget to check out http://www.newvoyages.com and http://www.startrekofgodsandmen.com on the 8th for trailers of their upcoming episodes.

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