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No 3rd Party Wii Wi-Fi Connection Games!


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This is bloody pathetic and before you start moaning whether or not i've read your posts,I have.They kept gloating about how their precious new console was wi-fi enabled out of the box.Oh gosh we can surf the internet on the Wii with opera,but we can do it on our PCs big deal.We can get VC games,big deal we'll want the launch titles more and we can just hook up our old consoles or by 'finding them'

It being wi-fi out of the box just about means squat without some online launch titles,especially if it uses the stupid friend codes.Why bother waiting for a 2nd rate online system.

Games like Farcry,COD3,RS and FF (if it makes it) would of been amazing online.Nintendo wants to attract ALOT of people to the Wii,now with no online launch titles they won't attract as much people,I still think it will have a good launch but not to it's full potential.Nintendo have been making a lot of mistakes now and the only way they can get a good online system for a home console is NOT to use the friend codes,if they do it's a pathetic mistake especially since the online system for PSO was great on the GC.

If they do bring an online service without the friend codes or atleast have a choice so the more 'hard-core gamer' won't have to be stuck with them and all the worried people will be safe.

Nintendo has been working on the Wii for some time and with the DS being online for almost a year you would think that Nintendo would of worked on the online Wii system,it wouldn't be hard.Also I just see the whole thing with PS3 might not being online as an excuse to calm yourselves down.


These are the kind of things that they should avoid.


I've calmed down now :)

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the ds was "wifi" ready outta the box but the system simply had to be set up after they knew if the console was a success. now i know they're not gonna wait that long with Wii and i'm sure they are simply optimising a new system for Wii.


all i'm saying is that people are assuming negative things far too easily!! i put it down to frustation because we know we're so close yet we know nothing yet. after the 14th i'm sure a lot of people will calm down. we don't know anything about the system, about friends codes, nothing. we can't judge yet.


and just because there's no launch online titles doesn't mean nintendo are making mistakes. no new online service has launched at launch (bad sentence structure there :D) but with opera and vc outtathe box instead of nothing at all, we know it's not too far off.


patience is a virtue, let's leave things till the 14th and see what happens.


and on a personal note, apologies if i seemed irate with you shadow and kazza, i'm not, it's just frustrating for me too, but i'm trying to keep an air of optimisn amongst all this as i think everything is pointing towards very positive things. eg. opera and vc outta the box meaning the full service won't take a yer like other systems'. and another eg. maybe we don't know anything because it's a brand new system with the DS mistakes rectified...? think positive, we'll all live longer to enjoy Wii :)

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Like I said Nintendo fans usually overreact with bad news. A lot. RS was never supposed to have online and FF is not a launch title. You can surf the web on the PC? Interesting you can also play games online on the PC. How bout that? It's just a few months without 3rd party online games I don't see what the big deal is. You overeact the importance of online in initial sales. It's not like most people will know "Hey 3rd party developers can't make online games in Q4 2006! Shock horror, Wii sucks, Nintendo is doomed!"

As usual you take every tiny thing you don't like and blow it out of proportions because you're afraid of Nintendo falling. Relax, if they did it it's because they have a reason, you'll be playing online games in no time.

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Square confirmed FF to be a launch title at E3,whether or not it still is I dunno.RS probably wasn't going to be online but they didn't exactly deny it either.

The thing about playing PC games online they're not all the same as the Wii games.And saying that I react all the time about a tiny bit of information and blowing it out of proportion is a bit of an exageration.And i'm not afraid of Nintendo falling,they're doing great so far and the whole no online 3rd party thing can turn out to be a great thing.


I'm relaxed now anyway,i'll have plenty of games to play and hopefully playing you at a good online game soon-ish:)

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Three of the games I wanted at launch/launch games to get at christmas (CoD3, FarCry Instincts, and Red Steel) are now out the window, as they don't have online mulitplayer. As a rule, an FPS without online is like a RPG without a save option...


Probably gonna get LoZ:TP, Wii Sports, and MP3C or WWSM at and around launch.

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I would think some of you would be more patient considering all the waiting we've been doing.


So what if Online doesn't make it for launch, it's like you just need a reason to moan at Nintendo.


I think the majority of us want to see what it's like to finally be playing Twilight Princess and if Metroid Prime 3 actually is the best in the series because of the new way we will be playing our games.


Sudddenly now you're all concerned about online play, why? Will you have the same reactions if Nintendo says the Wii will not play DVDs? We went four years on our cubes without proper online play and videogames were still good.


So what's wrong with waiting until next year when the yearly updates of these titles (CoD, Tony Hawks etc.) we're talking about will be released and that time they'll have online play which will make the games fresh experiences.


This year the new control method will make these games fresh and hopefully it will make videogames better than ever.

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I did, ever since Nintendo said the Wii would be online "from day one" and Treyarch said "all platforms will support 24 players online".

I say they both suceeded in their PR then with gaining interest. Nintendo may not of been lying though, considering that Connect24 shit..........isn't Zelda ment to be using that in some form?

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hardly a launch game or even close


i think it is, is it not? or is it one of the following games to come from ubisoft?


fish, calm down, the online service will be up and running quicker than any competitors' services have been. you've gotten urself hyped up, but in reality they can't have games online from day one. we have opera and vc and lots of cool new ways to play games, online will come in a few months, no biggie. nintendo will deliver, and having these other things online outta the box is better than anyone else has ever done, so give them credit!!


right now, anyone disappointed with this only has themselves to blame as ninty never said there'd be any at launch. bit like the GDC, we all (myself included) got ourselves hyped up, when in hindsight there was nothng to point to the need for it.


if you don't wana buy these games that's ur choice.

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fish, calm down, the online service will be up and running quicker than any competitors' services have been. you've gotten urself hyped up, but in reality they can't have games online from day one. we have opera and vc and lots of cool new ways to play games, online will come in a few months, no biggie. nintendo will deliver, and having these other things online outta the box is better than anyone else has ever done, so give them credit!!


I can understand why Fish isnt too happy about this news.Those games Fish mentioned probably would of been online but Nintendo have prevented that from happening by not giving them the tools to do so until next year. This is Nintendo unnecessarily holding back 3rd partys because no doubt they would rather anyone who does go online at launch do it on a Nintendo made game.


Also online out of the box isnt that big a deal anymore. Dreamcast did it 5 years ago and 360 does too (be it by xbox live Silver).

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Sudddenly now you're all concerned about online play, why? Will you have the same reactions if Nintendo says the Wii will not play DVDs? We went four years on our cubes without proper online play and videogames were still good.



Echoed my thoughts exactly.


I can appreciate why some are disappointed , but personally I find online gaming to be seriously over-rated. I am more than happy to wait for things to fall into place , whenever that may be.


Considering that this only appears to affect 3rd party stuff then to me this is even less of a concern (a quick look over my Cube collection shows how few 3rd party games I bother buying anyway).

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I can understand why Fish isnt too happy about this news.Those games Fish mentioned probably would of been online but Nintendo have prevented that from happening by not giving them the tools to do so until next year. This is Nintendo unnecessarily holding back 3rd partys because no doubt they would rather anyone who does go online at launch do it on a Nintendo made game.


Also online out of the box isnt that big a deal anymore. Dreamcast did it 5 years ago and 360 does too (be it by xbox live Silver).


but look at the DS, and the original Xbox. 360 of course, but it had it's system up and running from the previous machine, they simply updated it but the updates didn't take effect straight away either. takes time to perfect these things.


we won't have to wait a year like xbox and ds so i don't see the big deal, we're getting more for our money at launch than ever before! :D

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Have we really forgotten what the Wii is all about? It's about the new controller! Games focusing on graphics and online play will come later in Wii's life cycle, but at launch the main focus for Nintendo (and rightly so) will be about introducing the new control system. That is what will make or break Wii's success.


If you want online and great graphics, go buy a 360 or PS3...

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